mercantilist['mə:kəntailist]n. 重商主義者adj. 重商主義的
mercantilist 重商主義者;mercantilist theory 重商主義者的理論;
1.It was, as the authors explain, a "mercantilist world where unilateral free trade and a pacific stance were not viable options". 就像兩位作者解釋的那樣,這是個「單邊自由貿易與和平貿易不可能存在的重商主義世界」。
2.China bashers see in Beijing's mercantilist expansion the same exploitative patterns that typified Africa's past relations with Europe. 排華人士認為,中國的重商主義擴張,與過去作為歐非關係特徵的剝削模式如出一轍。
3.In the mercantilist period, the difference was made up by a transfer of gold, but today it is made up by holding the deficit country's currency or investments denominated in that currency. 在重商主義時期,是用黃金來彌補這個這個差額,但是現在是通過持有國際收支逆差國的現金和用該國貨幣的投資來彌補這個差額。