nonnuclear[nɔn'nju:kliə]adj. 非核的;無核武器的n. 無核武器國家
nonnuclear 非核的;非核爆的;非核子武器擁有國家;無核武器的;nonnuclear signatory 無核簽字國;nonnuclear country 無核國;nonnuclear state 無核國;nonnuclear heat source 非核熱源;
1.Constellation also has an option to sell as much as $2 billion of nonnuclear power plants to EdF. 聯合能源還擁有向法國電力出售20億美元非核電廠的選擇權。
2.Crude nuclear bunker busters, for example, could be designed on the basis of sophisticated computer models, old experimental data and nonnuclear field tests. 舉例來說,掩體爆破核彈在初期設計時的依據就是精密的電腦模型、舊的實驗資料和非核子實地測試。
3.ALL THESE NONNUCLEAR technologies suggest that the job of demolishing or disabling buried, hardened bunkers and weapons store houses might be accomplished without nuclear bombs. 這些非核武器技術都可證明,要毀滅或癱瘓地下硬式堡壘和武器儲藏庫,不需使用核彈也能做到。