quintilesn. 五分之一對座(quintile複數)
quintiles 五分位數;Quintiles Transnational 昆泰跨國公司;昆泰公司;Chengdu Quintiles Villa 成都昆泰山莊;Quintiles Transnational Corp 跨國公司;
1.More than half said the government should redistribute money from the rich to the poor—as many as in the lower two quintiles. 超過一半的,和較低2個五分之一收入水平人數一樣多的人認為應該把富人的錢重新分配給窮人。
2.Bill Easterly of New York University selected those who were in the three middle quintiles of income (leaving out the poorest 20% and the richest 20%). 紐約大學的比爾·伊斯特利篩選出收入介於中間五分之三的人群作為中產階級(排除最窮的20%和最富的20%)。
3.In analysis by quintiles, MS risk was highest among individuals in the bottom quintile and lowest among those in the top quintile of 25-hydroxyitamin D levels. 通過五分位數分析,接受測試的個體中,25-羥基維生素D濃度最低的五分之一中多發性硬化的風險最高,25-羥基維生素D濃度最高的五分之一發病風險最低。