v. get rid of ,move out ,take ,transfer
remove[ri'mu:v]vt. 移動,遷移;開除;調動vi. 移動,遷移;搬家n. 移動;距離;搬家
Remove 刪除;(移動):對目錄進行移動、刪除和更名的權力。;切除,切削;移除;remove tacks 去釘;remove solvent 去除溶劑;去滁溶劑;Remove Grain 移除顆粒;(移除顆粒;減弱雜點;清除噪點;remove program 移除程序;刪除程序;移除程式;移除程序 移除程式;
1.Will you please remove your handbag from the seat? 您把您的手提包從座位上拿開好嗎?
2.How can you remove trouble quickly? 怎樣可以快速消除煩惱?
3.Divine Purpose: Rank 1 of this ability will now correctly determine its chance of remove stun. 神聖的目的:1排名這種能力現在將正確地確定其機會刪除眩暈。
and we should remove them as soon as possible. - 我們要盡快把它切除。
Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils. - 切除扁桃腺之後,Carl會完全恢復健康的。
I told him that if he tried to remove the fence it would be over my dead body. - 我告訴他,除非我死了不然他從從休想拆掉這道籬笆。
Would you help me remove the refrigerator? - 能幫忙移一下冰箱嗎?
If you remove stone by stone, even a mountain will be levelled. - 一塊一塊把石移,高山也可變平地。
It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry. - 餅乾份量太重了,用了一台起重機才把它從卡車上卸下。
He threatened to remove them by force. - 於是警察威脅要強行使他們離開。
Harry went on to explain that 'myrolite' was a hard, amber-like substance which could be used to remove freckles. - 哈里便進一步解釋「密諾萊特」是一種質地堅硬、狀似琥珀的東西,可以用來除去雀斑。
drugs used to remove heat from the blood - 涼血藥
remove dampness and relax myospasm; removing dampness and relaxing myospasm - 化濕舒筋
promoting blood circulation to remove stagnancy - 尖血消積
dispersion helps remove obstruction - 宣可去壅
surgical blade remove forceps - 手術刀片安全裝拆鉗
remove summer-heat; removing summer-heat - 消暑
remove redundant operation - 消除多餘運算
eliminate the phlegm and clear heat; remove heat-phlegm; removing heat-phlegm - 清熱化痰
clearing away heat and toxic material; remove toxic heat - 清熱解毒
remove putrefaction - 祛腐
promote the circulation of qi to remove dampness; puomoting circulation of qi to remove dampness - 行氣燥濕
remove heat - 退燒
abatement of fever; remove heat - 退熱
n.宣可去壅 - dispersion helps remove obstruction
n.涼血藥 - drugs used to remove heat from the blood
n.行氣燥濕 - promote the circulation of qi to remove dampness
n.尖血消積 - promoting blood circulation to remove stagnancy
n.行氣燥濕 - puomoting circulation of qi to remove dampness
n.拆線 - stitches remove
n.手術刀片安全裝拆鉗 - surgical blade remove forceps