resections[ri'sekʃən]n. 切除術
resections 切除術;sextant resections 六分儀後方交會;multiple segmental resections large intestine 釋義:大腸多節段切除術;intestinal clamp for upper resections 釋義:上部切除用腸鉗;
1.Resections in children do not produce a permanent physiologic handicap. 在兒童中,肝切除不致引起永久性生理障礙。
2.Conclusion: This alternative technique of dividing the hepatic parenchyma seems to be simple and efficacious in preventing significant blood loss and bile leak in minor liver resections. 結論:這個方法似乎能簡單有效地防止肝切除的出血和膽汁洩漏。
3.They used the Nationwide Inpatient Sample 1998 to 2004 to compare postoperative mortality of pancreatic resections performed for chronic pancreatitis with those performed for malignant neoplasm. 他們在全國範圍內1998年到2004年的入院病人收集樣本,將其中因慢性胰腺炎和因惡性腫瘤接受了胰腺切除術病人的術後死亡率進行了比較。