





n. yellownessa. lily-livered ,scandalmongering ,xanthous ,yellowed


yellow['jeləu]adj. 黃色的;黃皮膚的n. 黃色;黃種人;黃色顏料vt. 使變黃或發黃vi. 變黃或發黃


yellow 黃色;藍色的;黃色的;黃色類 黃色;yellow card 黃牌;黃牌(表示警告;黃牌(表示警告);黃牌(表示警告);green yellow 綠黃;黃綠色;yellow sheet 低俗新聞;黃色新聞;低俗舊事;yellow book 黃皮書(法國政府報告書,以黃紙為封)(不是「黃色書籍」);黃皮書;是「法國政府或議會的報告書」,而不是一種「黃色書刊」。;只讀光盤標準;


1.Bleach keeps the white clothes from yellowing. 漂白劑防止白衣服變黃。

2.Red and yellow and pink and green. 紅色和黃色和粉紅色和綠色。

3.My hat is yellow, and hers is red. 我的帽子是黃色的,她的是紅色的。


Smoking makes your teeth yellow and ugly. - 吸煙讓你的牙齒變得又黃又醜。

Does John have a yellow pencil? - 約翰有一支黃鉛筆嗎?

No. You should have taken the Yellow Line bus. You can get one at the next stop. - 不是。你該乘黃線車才是。到下一站你可以搭上。

A yellow light on the dashboard flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine! - 儀表盤一盞黃燈閃著刺眼的光芒,布魯斯興致勃勃地宣佈發動機裡沒油了!

No. She's wearing green trousers, and a yellow sweater. - 不。她穿綠色褲子,黃色毛衣。


schoenbius incertulus; yellow rice borer - 三化螟

xylene yellow s - 二甲苯黃

subacute yellow atrophy of liver; subacute yellow necrosis - 亞急性黃色肝萎縮

freeze-dried live yellow fever vaccine - 凍干黃熱病活疫苗

yellow enzyme - 華伯氏因子

warburgs yellow enzyme - 華伯氏黃酶

mediterranean yellow fever; weils disease; weilsdisease - 地中海黃熱

multiple yellow body - 多發黃體

acute yellow atrophy of liver - 急性黃色肝萎縮

acute yellow atrophy - 急性黃色萎縮

chronic yellow atrophy of liver - 慢性黃色肝萎縮

wood of shiny-leaved yellowhorn; yellow horn wood - 文冠木

quarantine flag; yellow flag - 檢疫旗

brassica alba; white mustard; yellow mustard - 白芥

old yellow enzyme - 老黃酶

red tongue ith thin and yellow fur; red tongue with thin and yellow fur - 舌紅苔薄黃

red tongue with yellow fur - 舌紅苔黃

yellow and greasy coating of hte tongue - 舌苔黃膩

turnip yellow mosaic virus - 蕪菁黃萜葉病毒

sudan yellow g - 蘇丹黃G

alizarin yellow r - 茜素黃R

yellow enzyme reduced - 還原黃酶

n. zinc yellow pigment - 鋅黃染料

yellow lead - 黃丹

corpus luteum; yellow body of ovary - 黃體

yellow mosaic virus - 黃化葉病毒

yellow yolk - 黃卵黃

complexion yellow as citrus fruit - 黃如枳實

the regn of the Yellow Emperor - 黃帝時期

dry and yellow fur - 黃干苔

elastic tissue; yellow elastic tissue - 黃彈性組織

macula flava retinae; macula lutea; macula retinae; yellow spot - 黃斑

ox hide gelatin; yellow gelatin - 黃明膠

hydrargyri oxidum flavum; hydrargyrioxidumflavum; yellow mercuric oxide - 黃氧化汞

yellow rhinorrhea; yellow thick nasal discharge - 黃涕

yellow fever - 黃熱病

yellow fever virus - 黃熱病毒

yellow nail - 黃甲

yellow nail syndrome - 黃甲綜合征

whitish yellow sputum - 黃白痰

n. yellow ore - 黃礦

white phosphorus; whitephosphorus; yellow phosphorus - 黃磷

yellow race - 黃種

yellow jasmine poisoning - 黃素馨中毒

elastic fibers; yellow fibers - 黃纖維

yellow fibrocartilage - 黃纖維軟骨

yellow tongue - 黃舌

yellow race - 黃色人種

lotio flava; yellow wash - 黃色洗劑

axanthopsia; yellow blindness - 黃色盲


n.鹽酸氨基丫啶 - acramine yellow

丫啶黃 - acridine yellow

n.急性黃色肝萎縮,急性黃色萎縮 - acute yellow atrophy

n.急性黃色肝萎縮 - acute yellow atrophy of liver

n.茜素黃R - alizarin yellow r

n.苯胺黃 - aniline yellow

n.亮黃 - brilliant yellow

n.二甲氨基偶氮苯,甲基黃 - butter yellow

鎘黃 - cadmium yellow

n.鉻黃 - chrome yellow

n.慢性黃色肝萎縮 - chronic yellow atrophy of liver

n.黃如枳實 - complexion yellow as citrus fruit

n.二甲基黃 - dimethyl yellow

n.黃干苔 - dry and yellow fur

n.土黃色 - earthy yellow

n.堅牢黃 - fast yellow

食用黃色第四號 - food yellow No.4

食用黃色第五號 - food yellow No.5

n.凍干黃熱病活疫苗 - freeze-dried live yellow fever vaccine

n.金黃色的 - golden yellow

n.蒼黃 - greenish yellow

叢林黃熱病 - jungle yellow fever

n.馬休黃 - martius yellow

n.間苯胺黃,酸性間胺黃 - metanil yellow

n.地中海黃熱 - mediterranean yellow fever

n.甲基黃 - methyl yellow

n.多發黃體 - multiple yellow body

n.萘酚黃 - naphthol yellow

n.硝秦黃 - nitrazine yellow

n.老黃酶 - old yellow enzyme

n.巴黎黃 - paris yellow

n.普拉黃 - polar yellow

n.大麗菊金胺 - pyoktanin yellow

n.舌紅苔薄黃 - red tongue ith thin and yellow fur

n.舌紅苔薄黃 - red tongue with thin and yellow fur

n.舌紅苔黃 - red tongue with yellow fur

n.亞急性黃色肝萎縮 - subacute yellow atrophy of liver

n.亞急性黃色肝萎縮 - subacute yellow necrosis

n.蘇丹黃G - sudan yellow g

n.黃帝時期 - the regn of the Yellow Emperor

n.陽黃 - the yang yellow

n.陰黃 - the yin yellow

黃韌帶厚度 - thickening of the yellow ligament

鈦黃 - titan yellow

n.蕪菁黃萜葉病毒 - turnip yellow mosaic virus

都市黃熱病 - urban yellow fever

視黃質 - visual yellow

n.華伯氏黃酶 - warburgs yellow enzyme

n.黃白痰 - whitish yellow sputum

n.二甲苯黃 - xylene yellow s


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