v. care ,wishn. ilk ,the like ,the likes ofa. alike ,comparable ,equal ,similar
v. dislikea. different ,dissimilar ,unequal ,unlike
like[laik]vt. 喜歡;想;願意vi. 喜歡;希望prep. 像;如同adj. 同樣的;相似的n. 愛好;同樣的人或物
like 喜歡;象…;二人要擊數相同;兩人擊數相同;feel like 很想要;想做(某事);欲,想要;喜歡;like product 同類產品;同類產業商品;類似產品;unsportsman like 不道德;like surd 同類根式;
1.I don't want to act like my friend. 我不想像我朋友那樣幹。
2.Then I began to like doing it. 後來我開始喜歡上這麼做了。
3.Can you jump so high like me ? 你可以像我一樣跳這麼高嗎?
I'd like to talk to Mr. Wang, please. - 我想跟王先生講話。
I'd like to leave a message for him, if you don't mind. - 你若不介意的話,我想留話給他。
We're organizing an informal party, and I'd like you to come. - 我們計劃組織一個非正式聚會,我想請你參加。
I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu. - 我想跟徐小姐約個會面的時間。
I'd like to make an appointment to discuss a question. - 我想約個時間討論個問題。
I'd like to meet Miss Kong sometime. - 我想找個時間跟孔小姐見面。
I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time. - 我想盡快看醫生。
I'd like to set up a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. - 我想盡快預約門診。
Would you like me to reschedule you for another time? - 要不要我再另外為你安排別的時間?
I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night? - 我明白了。要不要另外為你安排別的晚上。
I'd like to order a hamburger and fries. - 來個漢堡包和薯條吧。
Would you like anything else? - 還要其他的嗎?
I'd like to get some of today's papers sent to my room. - 我想要些今天的報紙送到我的房間。
What time would you like to receive the call? - 您想何時叫您?
I would like to tell you more about it. - 我很樂意向你說得更詳細一點。
I am sure you would like to know more about it. - 我相信您一定想知道詳情。
And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it. - 對了,我有樣小東西想送你,讓我把它打開。
So I thought you might like it. - 所以,我想你可能會喜歡這個。
I'd like to cash this check. - 我想兌現這張支票。
Yes. I'd like to make a loan. - 是的,我想辦一筆貸款。
It's a loan for a car I'd like to purchase. - 我想貸款買輛汽車。
I'd like to have this check cashed. - 我想將這張支票兌現。
I'd like to have this check turned to cash. - 我想將這張支票換成現金。
I'd like to loan some money. - 我想貸點錢。
I'd like to borrow some money. - 我想借一些錢。
I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter. - 我想買這封信的郵票。
I'd like to cash some traveller's checks here. - 我想在這兒兌換一些旅行支票。
Fine. How much would you like to exchange, sir? - 好的。您要兌換多少呢,先生?
I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please. - 請將我的一些人民幣換成美元。
Would you mind telling me what the climate is like in California? - 您能告訴我加利福尼亞的氣候怎麼樣?
I would like to know about your honeymoon travel packages. - 我想要知道你們辦的有關蜜月旅行計劃。
Hi. I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check. - 嗨,我想兌換美國運通的旅行支票。
Yes, I am. I'd like some wine and roast duck. - 是的。我想要些酒和烤鴨。
I'd like to rent a car, please. I need it for business. - 我想租一輛汽車,是為了業務上的需要。
I would like to get a more specialized job. - 我想獲得一份更加專業化的工作。
I approach things enthusastically and I don't like leaving things half done. - 我熱誠對待每件事,不喜歡半途而廢。
I like to work with people who are honest, dedicated to their work. - 我喜歡與一些誠實並對工作投入的人合作。
I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music. - 我有很多愛好,喜歡各種運動,也喜歡古典音樂。
What do you like to do during holiday? - 在假日你喜歡做什麼?
I like to listen to the music and to play piano and occasionally to go swimming. - 我喜歡聽音樂、彈鋼琴,有時候去游泳。
I like reading the works of Lao She. - 我喜歡讀老捨的作品。
I like playing basket, and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball. - 我喜歡籃球及籃球活動中的集體精神。
I read everything I can get my hands on but I like ghosts stories best. - 我隨意拿起什麼便看什麼,但我最喜歡看鬼故事。
What would you like to be doing two years from now? - 兩年後你希望自己在做什麼?
Would you like to discuss it over lunch, Mr. Smith? - 史密斯先生,吃飯時再討論好嗎?
Don't mention it. What would you like to drink? - 別客氣,想喝點什麼?
Would you like to eat with chopsticks? - 你願意用筷子嗎?
I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world. - 我非常喜歡中國飯菜,並且我認為中國的烹飪是世界上最好的。
Would you like to join me for lunch? - 跟我一起吃午餐嗎?
Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices. - 是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。
endogenous morphine like facto內源性嗎啡樣因子 - 內源性嗎啡樣因子
n. ice flower like structure - 冰花狀結構
stabbing pain is pain like being prickled - 刺痛即疼痛如針之狀
sound like sawing wood - 聲如拽鋸
like a running piggy; sensation of gas rushing - 奔豚
like a running piggy; sensation of gas rushing - 奔賁豚
n. rod like eutectic - 棒形低共熔混合物
n. rod like eutectic - 棒狀共晶
dead space like ventilation - 死腔樣通氣
arthroncus of knee joint like that of the crane - 游膝風
The pain went like magic - 疼痛立即消失
water like solvent - 類水溶劑
poliomelitis like disease - 類脊髓灰質炎
rfls; rheumatoid factor like substance; rheumatoid factor-like substance - 類風濕因子樣物質
feel like a fighting cock - 精神健旺
glomerulus like structure - 腎小球樣結構
desoxyribnucleic acid like ribonucleic acid - 脫氧核糖核酸樣核糖核酸
arthroncus of knee joint like that of the crane - 膝瘍
n. graphite structure like chrysanthemum - 菊屬結構
n. graphite structure like chrysanthemum - 菊花狀石墨結構
cauliflower like mass - 菜花樣腫塊
pustule of the finger tip; snake head like infection; snake-head-like infection - 蛇頭疔
bleed like a struck hog; shed the blood like water - 血流如注
have a memory like a sieve - 記憶力極差
new growth like birds tongue - 雀舌
fish-mouth like suture - 魚口形縫合
glucagon like immunoreactivity; glucagon likeimmunoreactivity; glucagonlikeimmunoreactivity - 高血糖素樣免疫反應性
類安塔布司的 - antabuse like
n.類垂體前葉,前葉樣 - anteriorpituitary like
n.類抗體 - antibody like
n.膝瘍,游膝風 - arthroncus of knee joint like that of the crane
n.帶樣的 - band like
n.血流如注 - bleed like a struck hog
n.板樣的 - board like
n.菜花樣 - cauliflower like
n.菜花樣腫塊 - cauliflower like mass
n.細胞樣的 - cell like
n.索樣的 - cord like
n.蟹足狀 - crab like
n.似黃瓜的 - cucumber like
n.死腔樣通氣 - dead space like ventilation
n.類妄想觀念 - delusion like
n.脫氧核糖核酸樣核糖核酸 - desoxyribnucleic acid like ribonucleic acid
n.內源性嗎啡樣因子 - endogenous morphine like facto內源性嗎啡樣因子
n.發酵樣 - fermentation like
n.精神健旺 - feel like a fighting cock
n.手指樣 - finger like
n.魚口形縫合 - fish-mouth like suture
n.玻璃樣的 - glass like
n.腎小球樣結構 - glomerulus like structure
n.高血糖素樣免疫反應性 - glucagon like immunoreactivity
n.毛髮似的 - hair like
n.記憶力極差 - have a memory like a sieve
n.魚骨刺狀 - herringbone like
n.如瘧 - malaria like
n.鏡樣的 - mirror like
n.雀舌 - new growth like birds tongue
n.羊皮紙樣化 - parchment like
板狀肺不張 - plate like atelectasis
n.類脊髓灰質炎 - poliomelitis like disease
n.類胸膜肺炎的 - pleuropneumonia like
約 - red-liqour like hemangioma
n.類風濕因子樣物質 - rheumatoid factor like substance
n.肋骨狀的 - rib like
n.橡皮樣 - rubber like
n.泥沙樣的 - sand like
n.隨體樣,衛星狀 - satellite like
n.血流如注 - shed the blood like water
n.蛇頭疔 - snake head like infection
n.聲如拽鋸 - sound like sawing wood
n.海綿樣的 - sponge like
n.刺痛即疼痛如針之狀 - stabbing pain is pain like being prickled
n.楊梅狀 - strawberry like
n.天鵝頸樣 - swan-neck like
n.疼痛立即消失 - The pain went like magic
n.陀螺樣 - top like
n.像風似的 - wind like