MESSRS Messieurs 尊號(寫在公司名稱前);先生;尊號;Messrs 兩位或兩位以上男子;發票抬頭人名稱與地址;發票抬頭人名稱和地址;先生們;MESSRS Messieurs 尊號(寫在公司名稱前);先生;尊號;er of Messrs 奉(某人)之命;
1.Agreeably to ywe request, we HAs send you, over Messrs. Yamada & Co. , 40 bales of cotton. 依照您的要求,咱們已經過山田自己搞向您發去40包棉花。
2.But Messrs Amis and Buckley are right to warn about the threat of the "silver tsunami". 但是艾米斯和巴克利先生警告「銀髮海嘯」的威脅,這一點是沒錯的。
3.The faith that Messrs Johnson and Kwak put in merely capping the size of banks is misplaced. 約翰遜和夸克二君只將責任推在銀行規模之上,似乎是張冠李戴了。
4.Enclosed please find order for immediate attention, especially that of messrs. suzuki& co. , the well know firm of drapery. 同函附上訂單,請立即安排,尤其應注意給頗有名氣的鈴木服裝公司供貨。
5.For their part, Messrs. Cohen and Englander have moved to cash because of extreme market chaos and investor panic, according to people familiar with their thinking. 而據知情人士說,科恩和英格蘭德之所以選擇將投資變現,則是因為市場的極端混亂和投資者的恐慌情緒。