radioaction 放射性反應;放射;輻射;釋義:放射性,輻射性,放射現象;radioaction laboratory 釋義:放射性實驗室;
1.Protect skin, prevent the overaging of skin due to overwork and computer radioaction. Lessen skin twinkles and improve the rebirth of skin cells. 3 保護皮膚,預防皮膚因緊張工作和電腦輻射而過度老化,減少皮膚皺紋,促進皮質細胞再生,使皮膚重新煥發光彩。
2.The transition of the community between rural and urban areas is their imitation and incorporation into the urbanization, and the effect of their spread and radioaction. 城鄉結合部轉型過程是城鄉結合部自身模仿、融入城市以及城市的擴散輻射效應嵌入的過程;
3.Methods: According to the size and site of phyma. augmentation mammoplasty incision of skin and radioaction-shaped incision in mammary gland were used to cut off phyma of breast. 方法:根據乳房腫塊的大小、部位,應用三種隆乳術皮膚小切口,乳腺內放射狀切口行乳房腫塊切除。