





abrasive stone buhrstone edgestone grinding stone grind stone holystone millstone quernstone rubbing brick sharpening stone 磨[刀]石;granulator knapper rock crusher stone breaker stone crusher stone crushing machine stone knapp 碎石機;abrasive stone buhrstone edgestone grinding stone grind stone holystone millstone quernstone rubbing brick sharpening stone 磨[刀]石;abrasive stone grinding stone oil stone sharpening stone whetstone 油石;abrasive stone buhrstone edgestone grinding stone grind stone holystone millstone quernstone rubbing brick sharpening stone 磨[刀]石;


1.Ornamental stone is a natural stone work of art. It is classified into plastic stone, picture stone, crystal stone, fossil, souvenir stone and special stone. 從觀賞石是自然形成的具有觀賞價值的石質藝術品這一認識出發,將觀賞石分為造型石、圖紋石、礦物晶體石、古生物化石、紀念石和特殊石6大類。

2.According to the test, the stone axe, stone adzes and stone pestle, ceramic, stone, stone spear are Neolithic Age human production and consumption. 據考,石斧、石錛、石杵、石刀、石矛等打制石器,均是新石器時代人類的生產和生活資料。

3.According to the test, the stone axe, stone adzes and stone pestle, ceramic, stone, stone spear are Neolithic Age human production and consumption. 據考,石斧、石錛、石杵、石刀、石矛等打制石器,均是新石器時代人類的生產和生活資料。

4.To gallstone, results show that cholesterol stone, bilirubin stone, and bedload stone are common in Lubei area, especially the bedload stone. 結果表明魯北地區人體膽結石主要有膽固醇結石、膽色素結石和泥砂質結石,其中以泥砂質結石較多,未發現混合結石。

5.According to different production area, we divide them into following categories, that is, Gaoshan Family Stone, Yueyang Family Stone, Qishan Family Stone, and Emeishan Family Stone. 按生產地區分為高山系石、月洋山系石、旗山系石和峨眉山系石。


A rolling stone gathers no moss. - 滾石不能苔。

I ran into Stone at the supermarket this morning. - 早上我在超級市場碰見世通了。

I'm eager to hear about the proposed Stone Project in more details. - 我想知道有關已提出的「世通計劃」的更多細節。

A rolling stone gathers no moss. - 滾石不生苔,轉業不聚財。

The price of the car was so low that it made Stone suspicious of the value. - 這輛車的價格如此之低,世通懷疑那車的價值。

First, Mr. Stone Lee, our sales manager, will make a few remarks. - 首先,請我們銷售經理世通先生發表講話。

I'd met Stone several times before. - 以前我見過世通幾次。

Mr. Stone Jones of the United Nations. - 來自聯合國的世通.瓊斯先生。

I am Lao Haoren, executive manager of the sales department of Stone International. - 我叫勞浩仁,「世通國際」的銷售部經理。

A rolling stone gathers no moss. - 滾石不生苔,轉業不聚財。

Hunger breaks stone wall. - 飢餓不饒人。

If you remove stone by stone, even a mountain will be levelled. - 一塊一塊把石移,高山也可變平地。

There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river. - 河上有一座破爛不堪的、古老的、灰色的小石橋。

Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. - 現在他把一個醜陋的石雕頭像放在了大門上邊,

But none of them has been turned to stone yet! - 但到目前為止還沒有一個變成石頭呢!

We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine. - 我們想念遲早會飛起一個石塊把油箱砸開一個窟窿,或者把發動機砸壞。

Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary? - 你知道嗎?斯通最終和他的秘書結婚了。

You were very kind. You brought out all your jewellery and you told me I could take anything I wanted. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the centre. - 你太好了。當時你把所有的珠寶首飾全都拿了出來,而且說,我要什麼就可以拿什麼。漂亮的首飾太多了,實在難挑選。後來我終於看中了一條美麗的鑽石項鏈,中間還嵌著一顆大藍寶石。


urethral stone dislodger - 尿道結石採取器

postoperative billiary stone residue - 手術後膽管殘餘結石

porous stone of lava; pumex; pumice; pumice stone; rotten stone - 浮石

stone bruise - 石傷

stone die - 石製代理

stone mole - 石化胎塊

stone artifact - 石器

n. stone industry - 石頭工業

n. stone dust - 石灰塵

stone cells - 石細胞

stone placenta - 石胎盤

n. stone dust barrier - 石質塵阻器筒

n. stone dusting - 石質除塵

abrasive points; carborundum stone point - 砂石針

abrasive wheel chuck; stone chuck - 砂輪夾頭

kidney stone forceps - 腎臟取石鉗

stone expelling decoction - 膽道排石湯

searcher; stone searcher - 膀胱石探桿

bladder stone spoon; lithotomy scoop - 膀胱結石取出匙

bladder stone spoon; lithotomy forceps - 膀胱結石取出鉗

ureteral stone forceps - 輸尿管取石鉗

n. stone pressure - 金剛石所受壓力

n. stone pressure - 鑽進時金剛石上的比壓


n.人造石 - artificial stone

n.膽色素石 - bile pigmental stone

膀胱結石 - bladder stone

n.膀胱結石取出匙,膀胱結石取出鉗 - bladder stone spoon

n.藍石 - blue stone

n.沸騰石 - boiling stone

n.膽礬 - bule stone

n.砂石針 - carborundum stone point

n.痛風石 - chalk stone

n.櫻桃核 - cherry stone

n.膽甾醇膽紅素鈣混合石 - cholesterol-calcium bilirubinate mixed stone

髓石,牙髓石 - dental pulp stone

n.人造石 - dental stone

膽石 - gall stone

腎結石 - kidney stone

n.腎臟取石鉗 - kidney stone forceps

n.石灰石 - lime stone

n.代謝性石 - metabolic stone

n.無痛性小結石 - painless small stone

胰結石 - pancreatic stone

n.色素石 - pigment stone

n.磨光石 - polishing stone

n.浮石 - porous stone of lava

n.手術後膽管殘餘結石 - postoperative billiary stone residue

n.包皮結石 - preputial stone

n.髓石 - pulp stone

n.浮石,中藥 - pumice stone

腎石 - renal stone

n.浮石 - rotten stone

n.涎石 - salivary stone

n.陰囊結石 - scrotal stone

隱結石,無症狀結石 - silent stone

n.蛇石 - snake stone

n.石淋 - stranguria caused by the passage of urinary stone

淚石 - tear stone

n.輸尿管結石 - ureter stone

輸尿管結石 - ureteral stone

n.輸尿管取石鉗 - ureteral stone forceps

臍尿管結石 - urachal stone

尿酸鹽結石,尿酸結石 - urate stone

n.尿道結石 - urethral stone

n.尿道結石採取器 - urethral stone dislodger

尿石,尿路結石 - urinary stone

靜脈石 - vein stone

膀胱結石 - vesical stone

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