Chongyang 重陽;Wang Chongyang 王重陽;王喆;王中孚;中神通;chongyang-shenzhang 重陽神掌;
1.The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival , or Double Ninth Festival . 農曆九月九日是傳統的重陽節,也叫重九節,陽曆一般都在十月份。
2.If Chongyang southern part of the region Jizao customs, is home of Vulcan, we can see the ancient ritual September, "the fire" of clues. 如江南部分地區有重陽祭灶的習俗,是家居的火神,由此可見古代九月祭祀「大火」的蛛絲馬跡。
3.China Construction demonstrated by the lack of cultural self-confidence and openly Chongyang, it is difficult to avoid in the initial opening period. 中國建築所表現出的缺乏文化自信心與公然崇洋,在開放初期難以避免。