





All[ɔ:l]adj. 全部的adv. 全然地;越發n. 全部pron. 全部


All 全部;所有;全選;所有元素非零為真;all but 除了...都;幾乎,差一點;幾乎,差不多;除…之外其餘都;Close All 關閉全部;關閉所有;關閉所有視窗;全部關閉;all in 疲倦;洛城生死戀;像從前一樣;我不在乎;all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭聽);洗耳恭聽;集中注意力聽;全神貫注;


1.A notebook is all that I need. 一個筆記本就是我所需要的。

2.All is not at hand that helps. 有用的東西並不是垂手可得。

3.All that happens is as usual and familiar as the rose in spring and the crop in summer. 世界發生的一切,如春天的玫瑰和夏日的莊稼一樣,都是既平常又熟悉的事。


That's all right. We don't go to bed early. - 那沒關係。我們不會睡得太早。

I'm sorry, all the balcony seats are gone. - 抱歉,包廂的票都賣完了。

That's all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good-bye. - 好了,希望我們今後還能給你幫助。再見。

I'm calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel our reservation. - 我打電話想知道我們的預約是否有可能取消。

All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go. - 我的行李都檢查完了,看來我可以走了。

I think all the products are going to sell very well. - 我相信這批貨一定會賣得很好。

I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 這點我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。

I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 十分感謝您的款待。

Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies? - 請把你所帶的外幣登記一下,好嗎?

Is that all for customs formalities? - 海關檢查就這些了嗎?

OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked. - 好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。

By all means, you ahead. - 當然可以。隨便。

Is it all right if I use my credit card? - 如果我使用信用卡行嗎?

That's all for now. How much do I owe you? - 目前這些就夠了,我要付你多少錢?

I have learned to use computers and have become familiar with all clerical duties. - 我學會使用電腦及熟悉所有文員的工作。

I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music. - 我有很多愛好,喜歡各種運動,也喜歡古典音樂。

Did everything go all right? - 一切都順利吧?

Your luggage is all here? - 你的行李就這麼多嗎?

Are all these goods made in your factory? - 所有這些貨物都是貴廠生產的嗎?

We think all the terms should meet with common agreement. - 我們認為,所有的條款都應當取得一致意見。

It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation. - 這基本上包括了我們談判中取得一致的條款。

In a word, we'll provide you with all good service. - 我們將為你們提供最好的服務。

Generally speaking, we hold all disputes should be settled through friendly negatiations. - 一般來說,我們主張所有爭論通過友好協商解決。

Are all the answers here to your satisfaction? - 這裡所有的答覆都令您滿意嗎?

Are all the terms here to your satisfaction? - 這裡所有的條款都令你滿意嗎?

Are all the terms here acceptable to you? - 這裡所有的條款你都能接受嗎?

Is it all right if I use a letter of credit? - 如果我使用信用證,沒關係吧?

Is cash all right? - 現金可以嗎?

Would it be all right if I went with you? - 我跟你去可以嗎?

Yes, I can have a break from all this tired work in the office. - 好哇,這樣我就可以暫時忘卻累人的工作了。

Well, I guess we all have to take our mind off work once in a while. - 對,我們都應該忙裡偷閒。

Are all the classes within walking distance? - 所有的教室都在步行範圍之內嗎?

Tell me all about your interests, your hobbies ... - 告訴我你所有的興趣和愛好。

Are you all alone? - 就你一個人嗎?

Before you leave--do I look all right? - 在你們離開之前, 告訴我, 我這樣子可以嗎?

Ms Lin worked hard all year. - 林小姐一年到頭辛勤工作。

Sorry, I just like to watch almost all kinds of ball games. I'm strictly spectator. - 對不起,我僅僅喜歡觀看幾乎所有的球類比賽,我是個十足的觀眾。

Table tennis, I suppose. That's almost our national game. People from all walks play it. - 我想應該是乒乓球吧。它幾乎是全國性運動,各行各業的人都打。

With all that money, she ought to have people working for her. - 有她這麼多錢,她應該僱人替她工作才對。

Well, for one thing, he's my sister's boyfriend. Ann talks about Jack all the time. - 首先,他是我妹妹的男朋友。安整天就是傑克長傑克短的。

Well, the company has some financial problems. People there are all thinking of quitting. - 是這樣的,公司有些財政困難。人們都在想辭職。

I mean, there seems to be something to celebrate all the year round. - 我的意思是,好像一年到頭都要忙著慶祝似的。

Spring has sprung and all the flowers are blooming. - 春天來了。花兒都開了。

Fall is a great season because of all the wonderful colors. - 秋天是個色彩繽紛的好季節。

2. We should all start exercising. - 咱們都該去健身了。

I have to cram all night for tomorrow's exams. - 為了明天的考試,我得熬夜臨陣磨槍。

I'm not hungry, I've been snacking all day. - 我不餓,我一整天都在吃零食。

I've been busy all day. - 我今天一整天都非常忙。

I haven't had a minute to relax all day. - 我今天連一分鐘都沒休息。

I've been working like a madman all day. - 我今天一整天都像個瘋子一樣工作。


disease involving all three yang channels - 三陽合病

n. all position welding - 全位置焊接

all transretinal; alltransretinal; trans retinene; transretinene - 全反式視黃醛

all trans retinal; alltransretinal - 全反視黃醛

n. all round exposure - 全周爆光

n. all sliming cyanidation process - 全泥漿化氰化法

n. all coke operation - 全焦操作

n. all coke operation - 全焦炭操作

all glass; allglass - 全玻璃的

n. all sliming cyanidation process - 全礦泥氰化法

n. all case furnace - 全能滲碳爐

failure of all vital forces - 全部生命力衰竭

n. all round exposure - 全面暴露

i feel chilly all over the body - 我覺得混身發冷

aching all over the head - 正頭痛

aching all over the body; general aching - 渾身疼痛

sores all over the eye - 滿目瘡痍

vital sings all right - 生命指征正常

all diseases result from disorder of qi - 百病皆生於氣

to all ages - 直到千秋萬代

n. Form all process - 福爾馬落深錘沖法

caput femoris; head of femur; she is all skin and bone - 股骨頭

knee cap; knee pan; kneecap; kneepan; patella; she is all skin and bone; the knee cap - 膝蓋骨

n. Form all process - 落錘深沖法

all sorts of weak health - 諸虛

confluence of all yang-channels - 諸陽之會

she is all skin and bone - 髕骨


n.渾身疼痛 - aching all over the body

n.正頭痛 - aching all over the head

n.諸陽之會 - confluence of all yang-channels

n.三陽合病 - disease involving all three yang channels

n.全部生命力衰竭 - failure of all vital forces

n.我覺得混身發冷 - i feel chilly all over the body

n.三陽合病 - isease involving all three yang channels

n.一點也不,根本不 - not at all

n.膝蓋骨,髕骨 - she is all skin and bone

n.滿目瘡痍 - sores all over the eye

n.廣譜染料 - stains all

n.直到千秋萬代 - to all ages

n.生命指征正常 - vital sings all right

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