lock-step operation 鎖步操作;lock-step procedure 陳舊古板做法,因循守舊過程;lock-step parallelism 鎖-步並行性;
1.It had initially been assumed that the movement was caused by a portion of the pedestrians marching in lock-step. 原先的假設是部分行人在橋面上整齊劃一的行走導致了橋的搖晃。
2.If you don't understand the Six Guidelines, then you're simply running in lock-step with the rat-race of this mad age. 你若不懂六大宗旨,在這麼一個瘋狂的時代
3.But analysts say no one should expect Democrats to automatically walk in lock-step with a president of their own party. 但是,分析人士同時指出,指望國會中的民主黨人與奧巴馬的政見完全吻合,也是不現實的。