shemiten. 閃米特人(現特指猶太人);閃族
Shemite 閃族;
1.Because of this Noah cursed Ham's son Canaan to go into servitude not only to his Shemite and Japhethic cousins, but even to his Hamite brethren (Genesis 9:25). 因為這個,諾亞詛咒含的兒子迦南受奴役,不僅僅是他的表兄弟閃米特(閃的後代)和雅弗,甚至還包括他的含族(諾亞次子含的後裔,哈姆族人)同胞(創世紀9:25)。
2.And the cart came into the field of Joshua the Beth-shemite, and came to a stop there by a great stone: and cutting up the wood of the cart they made a burned offering of the cows to the Lord. 車到了伯示麥人約書亞的田間、就站住了.在那裡有一塊大磐石、他們把車劈了、將兩隻母牛獻給耶和華為燔祭。
3.And the cart came into the field of Joshua the Beth-shemite, and came to a stop there by a great stone: and cutting up the wood of the cart they made a burned offering of the cows to the Lord. 車到了伯示麥人約書亞的田間、就站住了,在那裡有一塊大磐石、他們把車劈了、將兩隻母牛獻給耶和華為燔祭。