Shiah 什葉派;希雅;Nick Shiah 夏弘禹;Tsang-Chyi Shiah 夏滄琪;Shiah-Pey Sheu 許夏珮;Shine-Gwo Shiah 夏星國;
1.Two car bombs exploded within minutes of each other in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, both of them near Shiah mosques. 在伊拉克北部城市摩蘇爾,兩起汽車爆炸事件在幾分鐘之內相繼發生,均在什葉派清真寺附近。
2.The parade is freely distributes by consistent anti-US Sadeer, but also has the numerous sunni sects and the Shiah public figures participates. 遊行儘管是由一貫反美的薩德爾派發起,但也有眾多遜尼派和什葉派人士參加。
3.Iraq has seen one of its bloodiest days in recent month, with 60 people killed in an attack on the most important Shiah Muslim shrine in Baghdad. 伊拉克迎來了最近幾個月來最為血腥的一天,有60人死於一起對巴格達最著名的什葉派穆斯林聖地的攻擊中。
4.He said that today not only participates in the demonstration to have Shiah, but also has from the northern Kurds autonomous region Kurd and the sunni sect which comes from the Salahe tetracene. 他說,今天參加示威活動的不僅有什葉派,還有來自北部庫爾德自治區的庫爾德人和從薩拉赫丁省來的遜尼派。