tongue-lash['tʌŋlæf]vt. 大罵;嚴厲責備
tongue-lash 嚴厲責備;嚴厲責備, 大罵;
1.Mrs Lin regains consciousness suddenly come over, gas must tongue-lash ︰ you this cheater is blamed, be brute! 林太太忽然清醒過來,氣得大罵道︰你這個騙子混蛋,畜生!計乘車司機聽了,轉頭說︰林先生,你今晚找的這個妞兒很潑辣喔!
2.Morrow, the mother comes school, tongue-lash: Of surname river, you a smelly rogue, you are returned one days a day insufficient, even one day is a day! 次日,母至校,大罵:姓江的,你個臭流氓,你一天一日還不夠,還要一日就是一天!
3.Home village or town has an old person to go market is malty wine is groggy return the home, li Qiu blames ghost to change his son on the road then, help him up to tongue-lash. 鄉里有個老人去集市喝醉酒搖搖晃晃返家,黎丘那怪鬼就在路上化作他的兒子,扶住他大罵。