a. uncomplete ,uncompleted
a. complete
incomplete[,inkəm'pli:t]adj. 不完全的;不完備的
Incomplete 不完整的;不完全的;不完正的;未完成;incomplete combustion 不完全燃燒;不完全燃的;不燃燒;incomplete antigen 不完全抗原;不完整抗原;釋義:半抗原,不完全抗原;不全抗原,不完全抗原;incomplete fusion 未焊透;不完全焊透;未溶合;未完全熔合;incomplete similarity 不完全相似;
1.He has criticized the new study as incomplete. 他批評這項新的研究是不完整的。
2.This is, of necessity, a brief and incomplete account. 這必然是一份簡略的,不完全的描述。
3.It is the life of perfection which seems to be incomplete, and of fullness which seems to be empty. 它是完美的生命,看上去似乎並不完整,它是充實的生命,看上去似乎空空如也。
incomplete compensatory pause - 不全代償間歇
incomplete regeneration - 不全再生
incomplete metamorphosis - 不全變態
incomplete cleftlip - 不全唇裂
incomplete tetanus - 不全強直
incomplete isosexual precocity - 不全性同性早熟
blfni fistula; incomplete fistuls - 不全性瘺
incomplete abortion; pertial abortion - 不全流產
bubonocele; incomplete hernia - 不全疝
incomplete deafness; partial deafness - 不全聾
incomplete dislocation; partial dislocation; subluxation - 不全脫位
incomplete breech presentation - 不全臀先露
incomplete cleavage; incomplete segmentation; meroblastic cleavage; partial cleavage; partial segmentation - 不全裂
incomplete block - 不全阻滯
incomplete paralysis; incompleteparalysis - 不全麻痺
freunds incomplete adjuvant; freunds ncomplete adjuvant - 不完全佐劑
incomplete regeneration - 不完全再生
incomplete reaction - 不完全反應
incomplete phagocytossi - 不完全吞噬
incomplete left bundle-branch block - 不完全左束支阻滯
incomplete fancy - 不完全幻覺
incomplete tetanus - 不完全強直
incomplete right bundle branch block; incomplete right bundle-branch block - 不完全性右束支傳導阻滯
incomplete left bundle branch block - 不完全性左束支性傳導阻滯
incomplete atrioventricular dissociation - 不完全性房室脫節
incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism - 不完全性男性假兩性畸形
incomplete paralysis; incompleteparalysis - 不完全性癱瘓
incomplete testicular feminization syndrome - 不完全性睪丸女性化綜合征
incomplete intestinal obstruction; partialintestnal obstraction - 不完全性腸梗阻
incomplete recessive inheritance - 不完全性隱性遺傳
incomplete androgen-insensitivity syndrome - 不完全性雄激素不敏感綜合征
incomplete recovery - 不完全恢復健康
incomplete a-v block; incomplete aruiculoventricular block - 不完全房室傳導阻滯
blocking antibody; blockingantibody; incomplete antibody; low-order antibody - 不完全抗體
incomplete antigen; partial antigen; partialantigen - 不完全抗原
incomplete latin square experiment - 不完全拉丁方試驗
incomplete dominance; semodominance - 不完全顯性
incomplete obstruction - 不完全梗阻
incomplete oxidation - 不完全氧化
n. incomplete penetration - 不完全滲透
incomplete combustion - 不完全燃燒
incomplete virus - 不完全病毒
icomplete palatoschisis; incomplete cleft palate - 不完全顎裂
incomplete breech; single footling - 不完全臀
incomplete breeech presentation - 不完全臀先露
incomplete flower - 不完全花
incomplete protein - 不完全蛋白質
incomplete reduction - 不完全還原
incomplete linkage - 不完全連鎖
incomplete block - 不完全阻滯
n.平衡不完全區組設計 - balanced incomplete block design
n.大腦性輕癱 - cerebral incomplete paralysis
n.不完全佐劑,福氏不完全佐劑 - freunds incomplete adjuvant
n.伴性不完全噗性遺傳 - sex-linked incomplete dominant inheritance