jedn. 傑德(男子名,Jedediah的暱稱)
JED 吉達;至愛;傑德;機場;Jed Stremel 斯特梅爾;Jed Connelly 康納利;Jed Bernstein 恩斯坦;Jed Perl 傑德·珀爾;
1.Jed put his arm around the black horse. The black horse was his. His dream had come true. It was too all at once. 傑德伸出手臂,抱住大黑馬。黑駿馬成他的了。他的夢想已經變為現實了。突然之間,他得到的真是太多了。
2.Jed walked facing the animal. Each step he had, the soft mud tried to suck him down, too. He walked on the grassy locates exerter than the mud. 傑德向它走過去。他每走一步都感到軟泥也在將他向下吸,而且在長草的地方走比在泥裡走還要艱難。
3.Then, with a loud scream, the horse turned and ran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had done what no man had done. 接著,隨著一聲響亮的嘶鳴,這匹馬轉身順著山谷跑了下去。傑德卻因興奮而渾身大汗淋漓,倒在地上。他已經做了別人沒有做到的事兒。