registries['redʒistri]n. 註冊;登記處;掛號處;船舶的國籍
registries 登記;Metadata Registries 元數據註冊;district registries 地區登記處;地區法院辦事處;the marriage registries 婚姻註冊處;International Association of Cancer Registries 國際癌症註冊協會(癌症註冊協會);
1.The police complain that having so many petty sex offenders on registries makes it hard to keep track of the truly dangerous ones. 警察抱怨說,登記名錄中有這麼多輕微性犯罪者,這使得跟蹤那些真正危險的人物變得很很困難。
2.The police complain that having so many petty sex offenders on registries makes it hard to keep track of the truly dangerous ones. 警察抱怨,登記名冊上記錄了如此多罪行輕微的性罪犯,使得他們很難追蹤真正危險的罪犯。
3.Under the Adam Walsh Act of 2006, another law named after a murdered child, all states will soon be obliged to make their sex-offender registries public. 在另一部以被害兒童命名的法案,即2006年的《亞當