forcedlyadv. 強迫地
forcedly 強迫地;disconnect trunk forcedly 強拆中繼;forcedly air-cooled engine 強制風冷式發動機;by compulsion by force compulsorily forcedly 強迫地;
1.Blade became dirty can swab with soap powder fluid, do not use be brushed forcedly and edge tool goes dirtying. 葉片髒了可用肥皂粉液擦洗,不要用硬刷和利器去垢。
2.Did a little a knot in one's heart rise to look not to come out on the side of my left earlobe is the hand felt is aching forcedly forcedly a bit recently how? 我的左耳垂的旁邊起了個小疙瘩看不出來手一摸硬硬的最近有點疼是怎麼啦?
3.After the Opium War, China was reduced to the status of semi-colony and semi-feudal society, its door was opened forcedly by several foreign powers, the suffering China entered into the modern period. 鴉片戰爭後,中國淪為半殖民地、半封建社會,緊閉的門戶被外國列強的堅船利炮打開,並步入災難深重的近代。