Gambianadj. 岡比亞的n. 岡比亞人
Gambian 岡比亞的;岡比亞;甘比亞;Gambian Woman 岡比亞的婦女圖片;Gambian Boy 岡比亞的男孩圖片;Gambian Dalasi 達拉西;Gambian Dalasi GMD 岡比亞 法拉西;
1.The Gambian rats were shipped to the United States from Ghana. 岡比亞田鼠是從加納船運到美國的。
2.Traceback investigations have found a common distributor of exotic pets where prairie dogs and Gambian giant rats were housed together in Illinois. 反推研究發現,在伊利諾伊州有一類外來共同傳播者,在那裡草原狗和岡比亞巨田鼠居住在一起。
3.Some patients may have been infected through contact with other infected animals, including a Gambian giant rat( purchased as an exotic pet) and a rabbit. 有些病人可能通過接觸其他被感染的動物而感染,包括岡比亞巨田鼠(為外來寵物購買)一種野兔。