amie[ɑ:'mi:]n. (法)女朋友
amie 女朋友;先進月球成像實驗;Avocent MergePoint Infrastructure Explorer;高級月球成像實驗照相機;bonne amie 女朋友;Amie Parry 白瑞梅;Amie Cochran 埃米-卡布拉;Amie Huguenard 艾美·霍格納德;
1.Artists can upload their music to Amie Street for promotion and sale. 藝術家可以上傳他們的音樂到艾米街進行推廣和銷售。
2.If you REC a song while it is still free (0 cents), and it ends up at 98 cents, we will deposit 98 cents into your Amie Account. 如果你以仍免費(0美分)的價格推薦了一首歌,這首歌的價格最後以98美分結束,我們將會存放98美分到你的艾米賬戶。
3.Amie Gorrell, Public Relations Director at the Gaylord Convention Center says the chef at the center is planning the menu for more than 12, 000 guests. 蓋洛德會議中心的公關主任戈雷爾說,中心的廚師正在為一萬兩千多位客人制定菜單。