recordsn. 記錄,錄音;唱片,檔案(record的複數形式)v. 記錄,記載(record的第三人稱單數形式)
Records 記錄;錄音;紀錄;記錄;Atlantic Records 大西洋唱片;大西洋唱片公司;亞特蘭大唱片公司;accounting records 會計記錄,會計簿籍;會計核算;會計記錄會計簿籍;上一篇:會計記錄;Electronic Records 電子文件;電子記錄;子文件;電子化記錄;medical records 醫療記錄;病歷;建病歷窗口;釋義:醫療文件;
1.It is a book that records the fall of the Third Reich. 它是一本記載第三帝國衰亡的書。
2.We have records to prove it. 我們有記錄證明這一點。
3.About our life, travel records, sharing with you ! 紀錄我們的生活、遊記,與大家分享!
You are all skilled and successful salesmen as shown by your records in the field. - 從你們在這一領域的業績來看,你們所有人都是訓練有素,事業有成的推銷員。
I hope you bring his records with him. - 我希望你帶他的唱片一起來。
Meanwhile, his unit was lost and all records of him had been destroyed. - 與此同時,他所在部隊被擊潰,他的所有檔案材料全部毀於戰火。
The first records the arrival of longitudinal vibrations. - 首先記錄下的是縱向波的到達;
In Gambia, as in most parts of Africa, there are few written records of family histoy. - 岡比亞同非洲多數地方一樣,有關家族的書面記載為數極少。
n.類案 - assorted case records
n.類案 - compilation of case records
心率記錄 - heart rate records
n.病案 - medical records