barriosn. (波多黎各人或墨西哥人聚居的)貧民區(barrio的複數)
Barrios 巴裡奧斯;貧民區;Agustin Barrios 巴裡奧斯;奧古斯丁·巴利奧斯;Alejandro Barrios 利奧斯;馬利亞哥-巴裡奧斯;Barrios Mangore 巴裡奧斯;Pablo Barrios 委內瑞拉 馬術;
1.Juarez, as evidenced in his bout against Jorge Barrios, waits for the opponent to make a mistake, and then lets his hands go. 以喬治。巴裡奧斯一戰為例,蘇亞雷茲總等著對手出錯,然後伺機出拳;
2.It's for two reasons: one is that the companies like it, but the other is for myself -I enjoy doing that, having the feeling I know Barrios as a person. 有兩點原因,其一是唱片公司喜歡這樣,其二就是我自己本人喜歡這樣。
3.Cuban-Americans who fled Fidel Castro's dictatorship for the barrios of Miami still favour sanctions, but their children have long been less sure about them. 逃離菲德爾