supernature['sju:pə,neiʃə]n. 超自然界
1.Accodrding to Plato, wisdom meant a knowledge not of nature but of the supernature constituted by the ideas. 依柏拉圖的看法,智慧並不是有關自然的知識,而是觀念所組成的超自然界知識。
2.But women's rights promoting is neither take the family as the outlet, nor wait for the romantic supernature power to salvation. 但女權的伸張,既不是以家庭為出路,更不能坐等愛情的「神力」來救渡。
3.I happened to see this thread, which said to be very horrible, and people not believing in supernature should not read, and threat of life sort of craps. 無意中看到這樣一個貼子,說什麼極度恐怖,不信邪者慎入,還說什麼有生命危險云云。