pushed[puʃt]adj. 處於窘境的;為難的;推擠現象的v. 推;擠;逼迫(push的過去式和過去分詞)
pushed 推擠現象的;打退;被推擠的;pushed beam 承推梁;承推架;pushed output 意願性應用;pushed punt 凸形瓶底,凹瓶底;凹瓶底;凸形瓶底;pushed input 強制輸入;
1.Jack pushed his glasses into place and read the riddle again to himself. 傑克推擠了他的玻璃入地方和再讀了謎語對他自己。
2.Socrates said nothing but took him along to a river. He suddenly pushed him into the river forcibly . 蘇格拉底什麼都沒說,卻帶著他來到了一條河邊,突然用力把他推進河裡。
3.So pushed by the large corporations, patent lawyers and patent offices, software patents shall now be introduced in Europe. 因此由大公司、專利律師和專利局所推動,軟體專利現在將會被導入歐洲。
George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed is right arm through the drain cover. - 喬治脫掉外套,捲起袖子,將右胳膊伸進了陰溝蓋。
On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being they have much more likely done it out of curiosity or for sport, as in riding the bow waves of a ship. - 當它們偶爾把一個失去知覺的人推到岸邊時,更大的可能是出於好奇或遊戲,就像它們追逐被船首犁開的浪花一樣。