news agency news service wire service 通訊社;Civil Aid Service Long Service Platinum Medal 人民安全服務隊長期服務白金章;民眾安全服務隊長期服務白金章 公安;民眾安全服務隊長期服務白金章 公務員事務;Civil Aid Service Long Service Gold Medal 人民安全服務隊長期服務金章;民眾安全服務隊長期服務金章 公務員事務;民眾安全服務隊長期服務金章 公安;Civil Aid Service Long Service Silver Medal 人民安全服務隊長期服務銀章;民眾安全服務隊長期服務銀章 公安;民眾安全服務隊長期服務銀章 公務員事務;Civil Aid Service Long Service Bronze Medal 人民安全服務隊長期服務銅章;民眾安全服務隊長期服務銅章 公安;民眾安全服務隊長期服務銅章 公務員事務;
1.Smiling service. , reassured service and standard service, our commitment to the custom and the concrete embodiment of our sound service relationship. 微笑服務、放心服務、規範化服務、是我們對客戶的承諾與我們良好的服務關係的具體體現。
2.Guiding Service quality depends on regular service as well as psychal service or emotional service . 導遊服務質量不僅取決於常規性服務更取決於心理服務或情緒性服務。
3.In a denial-of-service attack, hackers use automated programs to try to jam a site with bogus requests for service to the point that service is slowed or interrupted for legitimate users. 在這次攻擊中,黑客們使用自動程序試圖阻塞一個站點,用偽造的服務請求指向這個站點,進而使合法的用戶登陸服務器變得緩慢或不能登陸。
4.Provide luggage service, mail service and enquiry service accurately and efficiently to tenants/visitors. 準確而有效地向住戶或訪客提供行李、郵件和問訊等服務。
5.E-learning operators provide service by way of adding fictitiously in the entity, they use to increase the value of the goods and service, and transmit the service or the products to others . 數位學習經營者透過實體加虛擬的方式提供服務,藉以增加商品與服務的價值,並以最有效率之方式將服務或產品傳遞給消費費者。
Barker's Service Station. - 這裡是巴克爾維修站。
Is room service available? - 有房間服務嗎?
Let's call room service and order a nice breakfast, - 讓我們打電話給房間服務部訂一份可口的早餐。
They don't have room service at Old Country Inn. Old Country Inn - 沒有房間服務部。
Their after-sales service was just so bad that I decided to never buy anything from that shop again. - 他們的售後服務太差了,所以我決定從此不再能家商店買東西。
Our service has been very well-received by our customers so far. - 到目前為止,顧客對我們的服務質量評價甚高。
We use service centers at major stores. They ship goods back to our national service center for repairs. - 我們採用大店服務中心,他們可把產品運送到我們的國內服務中心維修。
'This service has been suspended.' - 「此趟列車暫停運行。」
but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on roads with few service stations and too much traffic. - 但旅行的大部分時間都花在路上,而且只有很少的服務設施,交通也很擁擠。
You can print the telephone number of your information service in the newspaper. - 你可以把你的問訊服務的電話號碼登在報紙上。
The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused the fire. - 消防部門開始懷疑有一種氣體可能會導致火災。
n. well service industry - 井服務業
health service security - 衛勤保障
service abillty - 操作性能
n. standard service factor - 標準使用率
n. standard service factor - 標準利用率
n. die service life - 模具使用壽命
n. service life of die - 模具的使用壽命
n. service factor - 運行率
n.使用性能 - character of service
臨床服務 - clinical service
n.合作醫療 - cooperative medical service
日班天服務 - day service
托牙保養,托牙服務 - denture service
診斷服務 - diagnostic service
醫藥品情報活動 - drug information service
n.床前急救 - emergency bed service
緊急生化檢查 - emergency biochemistry service
急救醫療服務 - emergency medical service
緊急供電,應急服務 - emergency service
n.現場使用 - field service
n.免費醫療 - free medical service
n.保健事業 - health service
n.衛勤保障 - health service security
為老年人提供的服務 - home help service for the aged
n.工齡 - length of service
醫療費,醫療服務 - medical service
護理服務 - nursing service
n.門診 - outpatient service
精神病緊急性服務 - psychiatric emergency service
搶修 - recovery service
n.康復處 - rehabilitation service
短期護理 - short-stay service
社會衛生服務 - sociosanitary service
n.國家化費醫療 - state medical service
輸血 - transfusion service
配膳時間 - tray service time
n.結核病護理咨詢部 - tuberculosis nursing advis-ory service
n.聯合王國器官移植服務部 - united kingdom transplant service
n.戰時衛生勤務 - war health service