v. bear on ,go along ,go forward ,go on
v. cease ,discontinue ,give up ,lay off
continue[kən'tinju:]vi. 繼續,延續;仍舊,連續vt. 繼續說…;使…繼續;使…延長
continue 繼續;連續,繼續;繼續循環;繼續 繼續,延續;Continue cooperation 繼續合作;Continue Shopping 繼續購物;繼續購買;繼Continue Game 繼續遊戲;以接關密碼形式繼續遊戲;Please Continue 請繼續;請往下說, 我不是有意打斷你的話的.;
1.After a short break the play continued. 經過短暫的休息以後,戲繼續上演。
2.Shall we continue the meeting after lunch? 我們要不要中飯後繼續開會。
3.Appropriate precautions should continue to be employed. 適當的預防措施應繼續沿用。
Susan, I'd like to continue this conversation later. Susan - 我希望等一下能繼續我們的談話。
I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher. - 我選擇繼續我的音樂教師的事業。
which I could continue at home. - 可以在家中繼續從事。
and take care of Max and continue my career. - 一面照顧孩子, 同時繼續我的事業。
but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that. - 但我喜歡拍照片 而且我要繼續做這一行。
Let's stop here and continue in about 10 minutes. - 我們暫停一下,10分鐘後繼續。
Could all of you take your seats? We need to continue our meeting. - 請你們各位就坐好嗎?我們要繼續開會了。
Paul will not continue to arbitrate their arguments. - 保羅不會繼續替他們的吵架做和事佬吧。
Does Karl hope to continue the relationship? - 卡爾希望繼續保持那種關係嗎?
Her husband doesn't think she should continue working after the baby is born. - 她的丈夫認為女人生了孩子就不應該再繼續出去工作了。
I will continue my learning, though I am tired of learning English. - 儘管我很煩英語,我還是要學它。
The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. - 司機們聲稱此次罷工將一直持續到就工資和工作條件問題達成全面協議的時候為止。
If I continue to play a lot of concerts over the next five year. - 如果在今後的五年內我連續舉辦一些音樂會。
I think we should continue walking as long as we can see where we're going. I said. - 「我想只要我們能看見我們朝哪兒走,我們就要繼續走下去,」我說,
Another part of me wanted this moment to continue for ever. - 我還有另一個想法,就是希望此時能永遠持續下去。
So, celebrate your success, and invite your parents to celebrate with you, however hard it may be for them. If you continue to be excited about your future, you may come to educate your parents in the same way. - 因此,慶賀你的成功,並且邀請你的父母跟你一慶賀,儘管這樣做會讓他們感到難以接受。如果你還在為自己的未來而感到激動的話,你可以慢慢用同樣的辦法說服你的父母。