initialingn. 草簽;花押;縮寫的簽名v. 將姓名的首字母簽於;草簽(initial的ing形式)
initialing 草簽;草簽 條約法normal initialing 正確起始;正常初始化;正常初始化 正確起始;initialing relay 始動電驛(器);initialing constraint 初始約束條件;
1.At the end, we suggest business software vendors should focus on innovation advantage at the initialing stage and focus on cost advantage at the mature stage. 最後,本研究建議,商用軟體商在發展初期應以產品創新及提高自身能耐為主,待產品進入成熟期,方以成本做為競爭優勢的來源。
2.OPTIONAL* By checking this box and initialing, I waive the applicant's privacy rights under the law to the applicant's and my personal information listed in this form (e. g. 據法律規定,市政府可以將這些內容進行公佈。另一方面,申請人也可以選擇放棄對這些內容所享有的保密權利。
3.OPTIONAL* By checking this box and initialing, I waive the applicant's privacy rights under the law to the applicant's and my personal information listed in this form (e. g. 據法律規定,市政府可以將這些內容進行公佈。另一方面,申請人也可以選擇放棄對這些內容所享有的保密權利。若您圈選了下面的可選方框。