





a. inframaxillary


mandibularadj. 下頜的;顎的


mandibular 顎的;下頜(骨)的;下頜的;釋義:下頜骨的;mandibular denture 下托牙;mandibular fossa 下頜窩;關節窩;上頜窩;mandibular torus 下頜圓枕;下頷隆起;下頜隆突;mandibular foramen 下頜孔;


1.The coronal T1WI image was superior to coronal T2WI and gradient echo images in demonstrating the mandibular nerve. 冠狀面T1WI圖像對下頜神經的顯示優於冠狀面T2WI及梯度回波序列圖像。

2.Aim In order to reduce the mandibular distraction osteogenesis treatment time and improve the quality of new generated bone, enhancing it's success rate. 目的為了縮短頜骨牽張成骨技術的治療時間,改善新骨形成的質量,從而提高牽張成骨技術的成功率。

3.Objective To study the stress distribution of intact mandible, especially that of the mandibular angle under different muscle loading and biting condition. 目的研究不同的加載方式及不同的咬合部位對下頜骨,特別是下頜角區域應力分佈的影響。


mandibular branch block of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經下頜支封閉

mandibular conduction anesthesia - 下頜傳導麻醉

corpus mandibulae; mandibular body - 下頜體

articulatio mandibularis; mandibular articulation - 下頜關節

mandibular joint syndrome - 下頜關節綜合征

incisura mandibulae; mandibular notch - 下頜切跡

mandibular prognathism - 下頜前突

resection of anterior portion of mandibular ramus - 下頜升支切除術

mandibular impression tray set - 下頜印模托盤

jaw jerk; jaw reflex; mandibular reflex - 下頜反射

mandibular retrognathia - 下頜後縮

mandibular torus; torus mandibularis - 下頜圓枕

foramen mandibulae; mandibular foramen - 下頜孔

mandibular arch - 下頜弓

mandibular sulcus; sulcus colli mandibulae - 下頜溝

mandibular injection - 下頜注射

mandibular lymph node; nodus lymphaticus mandibularis - 下頜淋巴結

arcus dentalis mandibularis; mandibular dental arch - 下頜牙弓

mandibular circumferential wiring and fixation - 下頜環繞結紮固定法

lower molar; mandibular molar - 下頜磨牙

mandibular nerve; nervus mandibularis - 下頜神經

avulsion of mandibular nerve - 下頜神經撕脫術

mandibular process - 下頜突

fossa mandibularis; mandibular fossa - 下頜窩

lower first molar; mandibular first molar - 下頜第一磨牙

lower third molar; mandibular third molar - 下頜第三磨牙

lower second molar; mandibular second molar - 下頜第二磨牙

canalis mandibulae; mandibular canal - 下頜管

mandibular dislocation - 下頜脫位

enlargement of mandibular angle - 下頜角增大

fracture of mandibular angle - 下頜角部骨折

mandibular plate - 下頜骨接骨板

mandibular defet - 下頜骨缺損

mandibular pin - 下頜骨針

mandible rongeur; mandibular forceps; mandibular rongeur - 下頜骨鉗

intra-oral fixation of mandibular fracture - 下頜骨骨折口內固定

extra-oral fixation of mandibular fracture - 下頜骨骨折口外固定

mandibular condyloid process; processus condylaris mandibulae - 下頜骨髁狀突

benign hypertrophy of mandibular condyle - 下頜骨髁良性肥大

fracture of mandibular condyle - 下頜骨髁骨折

suppurative mandibular arthritis - 化膿性下頜關節炎

mandibular fossa - 承漿

mandibular dislocation - 脫下頦


n.下頜神經撕脫術 - avulsion of mandibular nerve

n.下頜骨髁良性肥大 - benign hypertrophy of mandibular condyle

n.下頜角增大 - enlargement of mandibular angle

n.下頜骨骨折口外固定 - extra-oral fixation of mandibular fracture

下頜磨牙牽引鉗,下頜磨齒牽引鉗 - extraction forceps for the mandibular molar

n.下頜角部骨折 - fracture of mandibular angle

n.下頜骨髁骨折 - fracture of mandibular condyle

機能性下顎運動 - functional mandibular movement

n.下頜骨骨折口內固定 - intra-oral fixation of mandibular fracture

n.下頜緣支 - marginal mandibular

下頜正中囊腫 - median mandibular cyst

下頜正中點 - median mandibular point

n.下頜升支切除術 - resection of anterior portion of mandibular ramus

n.化膿性下頜關節炎 - suppurative mandibular arthritis

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