





n. front ,motility ,motion ,move


movement['mu:vmənt]n. 運動;活動;運轉;樂章


movement 運動;動態;樂章;動作;lateral movement 橫向移動;橫向位移;側向位移;側向移動;Relative movement 相對運動;相對行動;運動;相對移動;Basic Movement 基本動作;基本移動步(前後左右自由移動);基本步 基本動作;基本步 基本動作;seismonastic movement 感振運動;感震運動;


1.This is an antagonism very strong movement. 這是一項對抗性很強的運動。

2.The movement of data from one location to another . 將數據從一個地點移動到另一個地點。

3.Archives are founded upon tones, sound, movement and symbols. 檔案建立在音調、聲音、運轉和符號上。


The vitality of the movement is threatened. - 這個運動的生命力岌岌可危。

The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me. - 由於櫃門突然打開,它也隨之輕微搖晃起來,讓我覺得它好像馬上要跳出櫃門朝我撲過來似的。

In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity. - 事實上,睡眠狀態下仍有著基本的活動量,以防止肌肉活動停止。

Which may keep company with the vessel for an hour without visible or more than occasional movement of wing. - 它們隨船飛行一小時也難得見其扇動一下翅膀。

no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, - 找不到夥伴和活動使自己得到安逸。

its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface. - 紙的表面就會用墨水記錄下地板運動的情況。

In the end this political movement succeeded and Indians were allowed to make and sell salt. - 但最終這場政治運動以印度人獲准生產與銷售鹽而告成功。


conjugate movement center of eyes - 兩眼協同運動中樞

light movement stimulator; photokinetic stimulator - 光線運動刺激機

movement of equilibrium lever - 平衡槓桿運動

rapid eye movement sleep; rapideyemovementsleep - 快眼運動-睡眠

rapid eye movement sleep; rapideyemovementsleep - 快眼運動睡眠

rapid eye movement sleep; rapideyemovementsleep - 快速運動睡眠

involuntary movement of limbs - 手足蠕動

involuntary movement of limbs - 手足躁擾

movement produced stimuli - 活動產生的刺激

circus movement hypothesis - 環行運動學說

fatigue spasm; movement spasms - 疲勞性痙攣

ataxic conjugate movement of eyes - 眼直徑運動失調

movement of the ichannel qi - 經氣運行

fixation movement of visual line - 視線固定運動

forward and backward movement knob - 載物台前後運動螺旋

lateral movement knob - 載物台橫向運動螺旋

movement time - 運動時

movement afterimage measuring instrument - 運動殘象測定儀

dyscinesia; dyskinesia; dyskinesis; movement disorder - 運動障礙


n.全範圍的活動 - a full-range movement

異常不隨意運動 - abnormal involuntary movement

n.異常活動 - abnormal movement

n.跟隨運動 - accompany movement

n.主動活動,主動運動 - active movement

內轉運動,逆向運動 - adversive movement

n.後繼性運動,康斯塔姆氏現象 - after movement

氣動 - air movement

變化運動 - allassotonic movement

n.交替運動 - alternating movement

牙槽性移動 - alveolar movement

n.阿米巴樣運動,變形運動 - ameboid movement

阿粑樣運動 - amoeboid movement

n.角度運動 - angular movement

n.結抗運動 - antagonistic movement

抗妊振運動 - anti-abortion movement

n.伴隨運動,聯合運動 - associated movement

n.眼直徑運動失調 - ataxic conjugate movement of eyes

n.手足徐動症樣運動 - athetoid movement

自主運動,自發運動 - autonomic movement

自動運動,自動 - automatic movement

n.整體運動 - bodily movement

下頜界移動,下頜邊緣運動 - border movement of the mandible

n.布朗運動 - borwnian movement

n.腸運動,大腸運動 - bowel movement

呼吸運動 - breathing movement

n.布朗運動 - brownian movement

n.布朗運動 - brunonian movement

n.整體運動 - bulk movement

細胞運動 - cell movement

n.咬合運動 - chewing movement

舞蹈症運動 - choreic movement

舞蹈病樣運動 - choreiform movement

染色體移動,染色體運動 - chromosome movement

n.纖毛運動 - ciliary movement

循環運動 - circulation movement

n.環行 - circus movement

n.環行運動學說 - circus movement hypothesis

n.愛國衛生運動委員會 - committee of patriotic health movement

n.膠態運動 - colloidal movement

n.代償運動 - compensatory movement

伴隨運動 - concomitant movement

同向眼球運動,共軛眼球運動 - conjugate eye movement

聯帶運動,共軛運動 - conjugate movement

n.兩眼協同運動中樞 - conjugate movement center of eyes

同向眼球運動,共軛眼球運動 - conjugated eye movement

n.共濟運動 - coordinate movement

爬行運動 - creeping movement

屈曲運動 - curvature movement

n.胞質運動 - cytoplasmic movement


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