readonlyadj. 只讀的
ReadOnly 文件屬性為只讀;將單行文本框設為只讀型(不可輸入);特性;唯讀只讀;readonly operation 只讀操作;const readonly 常量和字段;readonly member 只讀成員;static readonly 靜態只讀;
1.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY The file is read only. Applications can read the file but cannot write to it or delete it. READONLY文件是只讀文件。應用程序能讀這個文件但是不能寫這個文件或是刪除它。
2.A tester reads the area of memory occupied by code and readonly data, building up a checksum result based on the data read. 檢測碼會讀取裝有代碼和只讀數據的內存區域,根據讀得的數據計算其校驗和。
3.Every chat message was inserted after the last message, user name and message is distincted with another color and message has to have readonly attribute. 我需要一個可以在聊天中使用的編輯框。每個聊天消息被插入到最後一條消息,用戶名和消息用不同的顏色區分,消息具有隨機的屬性。