n. bird watcher
birders['bə:də]n. 獵鳥者
1.The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese). 以下記錄摘自訪客中心記錄板、米埔雀鳥記錄冊、香港觀鳥會新聞組及觀鳥熱線。
2.A few hates—huge ranges that double as wildlife reserves—now accommodate birders as well as cattle, giving rise to a fledging ecotourism industry. 現在,那不僅適合鳥類愛好者的到訪,而且有利於畜牧業的發展,由此產生了另一個新興的行業----生態旅遊。
3.The data of local birds are very insufficient, with only a few records from fragmentary investigation provided by birders who are on active duty there. 地區鳥類紀錄資料非常貧乏,只有少數幾筆由服役於此的鳥 友所從事的零星調查。