lopping['lɔpiŋ]n. 剪下的樹枝;截枝;打枝v. 剪去樹枝(lop的現在分詞)
lopping 截枝,打枝;截枝;截短;截短 截枝;lopping shears 長柄樹枝大剪刀;Lopping tool 截枝用具;Lopping system 截枝林作業;Lopping and hedge shear 籬笆剪及整枝剪;
1.if it is no, then they can experiment with more nuanced responses, such a lopping off a tainted product or sacrificing a rogue division. 如果答案是否定的,那麼他們可細微的調整對策,見機行事,如砍掉某個有影響力的商品,或犧牲這個八卦的部門。
2.Sub-Role #1: Playing Offensively – So you've decided that lopping some heads with your shiny two-handed axe is the right way to protect your team? 次要角色#1:攻擊性玩法–你覺得拿著閃亮雙手大斧砍人頭可以保護你的隊伍?
3.In the lopping off, the field begins to wobble and one may feel quite ill if one has expanded far enough to feel the unconscious dance of the media. 在這樣的削奪中,能量場開始抖動,如果一個人的能量場的尺寸已擴展至能夠感覺到媒體無意識的舞蹈的話那人會感覺非常地難受。