prorate[prəu'reit, 'prəureit]vt. (美)按比例分配vi. 按比例分配
prorate 配定產量;按照比率;分配;按比例 按預定的;Prorate Conventions 分攤慣例;prorate average 按比例均攤;prorate distribution 比例分攤;按比例分配;按比例均;Prorate apportionment 按比例分攤;
1.It is usual to prorate the taxes between the seller and the buyer in the sale of real estate. 在出售房地產中,通常由買賣雙方分攤稅金。
2.Therefore the cooperative organization has the important meaning in the investment prorate of the agricultural invest. 因此,農村合作組織對於農業投資中投資份額的比例分配具有重要的意義。
3.It should not be used to show the percentage of the cost. Prorate labor, packaging, inland transportation costs, and any other additional costs into the cost of the materials. 不要顯示費用的百分比。人工,包裝,陸運費和材料費裡面的其他附加費。