unfilteredadj. 未濾過的
unfiltered 未過濾的;未濾過的;未過濾的 未濾過的;釋義:未濾過的;unfiltered model 未濾波模式;unfiltered air 未過濾的空氣;unfiltered water 未過濾水;未濾水;unfiltered oil 未過濾的潤滑油;
1.Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered night noises seem close enough to touch. 沒有煩人的空調的嗡嗡聲,房子裡出奇地安靜,還有這未經過濾的夜晚的喧雜聲,似乎近的伸手可以觸摸得到。
2.Google at the time said it planned to talk to Chinese officials about the extent to which Google could operate an unfiltered search engine in China. 谷歌當時說,它計劃與中國官員就該公司能在多大程度上在中國運營不過濾內容的搜索引擎展開談判。
3.If you are lucky enough to live in a climate where you can grow your carnivorous plants outdoors, 10-16 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight is your prescription, too. 如果你夠幸運,住在可以戶外種植食蟲植物的環境,10~16小時光線直射,那麼你的處方也是不遮光就好了。