





women['wimin]n. 女人(woman的複數)


women 女人;婦女;女人心;婦女問題;Pretty women 漂亮女人;漂亮女人 [風月俏佳人;風月俏佳人;漂亮女人 [風月俏佳?薦;Pleasure Women 自娛的女人;自娛旳女入;women psychology 婦女心理學;Jasmine women 茉莉花開;茉莉花開》;


1.Women can do as well as men. 女人可以做得和男人一樣好。

2.Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it. 男人是地上來,女人也是地上走的。做個交易吧。

3.Women give nothing to friendship except what they borrow from love. 女人對友誼的付出是她們從愛情哪裡借來的。


Unmarried women should be addressed as 'Miss'. - 未婚的女性應該被稱作 'Miss' 。

Married women should be addressed as 'Mrs.'. - 已婚的女性應被稱作 'Mrs。' 。

Today, many women prefer being addressed as 'Ms.'. - 今天, 很多女性喜歡讓別人稱她們 'Ms。' 。

He's seeing other women on the side - 他偷偷的和別的女人有染。

I work out because women love buff men. - 我鍛煉是因為女人們喜歡看起來健康的男人。

Because our members are men and women like you. - 因為, 這個組織的會員都是像你這樣的人。

Susan is one of the best women you'll ever find. - Susan是你能找到最好的女人之一。

Don't try and argue with her, women are all the same. - 不要和她吵,所有的女人都是一樣的。

Education for women has improved in leaps and bounds. - 婦女教育十分迅速地得到了改善。

No! Women should stay at home. - 不,女人應該呆在家裡!

Stupid! Women driver! - 麻木不仁!你這女司機!

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. - 整個世界是個舞台,男男女女,演員而已。

Today it is common that women and girls make up in public. - 今天,在公共場所看到婦女和姑娘化妝打扮是很普遍的事。

Those women are very hard-working. - 那些姑娘很勤快。

They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! - 的確很不舒適。可是女人們總是穿不舒適的鞋子!

Against these figures, it was found that only 5% of women snore regularly, - 與這些數字相比,只有5% 的女性經常打鼾;

Old women in black shawls peered at us from doorways. - 披黑紗巾的老婦人站在門口偷偷地瞅著我們。

There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft. - 他們不僅搜刮吃的喝的,而且搶掠婦女,安逸的生活已使丹麥軍隊變得軟弱無力。

in the form of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. - 便是培養出大批有知識的男女青年,這些人可能會成為未來的棟樑。

After watching the red-dressed women walk by, I went to the rooftop and watched workers weave wastebaskets. - 看那群紅衣女郎走過,我爬上屋頂看工人們編垃圾筐。

Are there any women near the house? - 房子附近有女人嗎?

What jobs do women do in Britain? - 在英國,婦女們都幹些什麼工作?

All kinds of jobs. There are women police officers, women doctors, teachers, engineers, farmers and so on. - 各種各樣的工作。有女警官、女醫生、女教師、女工程師、女農場主等。

Are there any jobs which women don't do? - 有婦女不幹的工作嗎?

I don't think there are. But there are more men than women scientists. And more men than women are heads of companies. - 我想沒有。但是,男科學家比女科學家多。而且,各公司的負責人中,男人要比女人多。

It seems that it's more difficult for women to get to the top of a company. - 婦女要想得到一個公司的最高職位,似乎更加困難。

Another thing which shocked Kunta was that women were held in the castle too. - 還有一件事使孔塔感到驚奇,這就是關在城堡裡的還有婦女。

In 1893 New Zealand was the first nation in modern times to allow women to vote, long before many other countries. - 3年,新西蘭是第一個在近代就允許婦女參加選舉的國家,這比許多其他國家要早得多。

Speak to your father and tell him that you are already doing well in the subject of your choice. If you like, remind him that many women have chosen to work in fields that were not used to accepting women. You can point out that Florence Nightingale opene - 和你的父親談談,告訴他你在所選的學科領域裡已經做得很不錯了。如果你願意的話,請提醒他,許多女子已經選擇了過去慣於不接受婦女的部門去工作了。你可以向他指出,弗洛倫斯·南丁格爾開闢了護理學,居里夫人為婦女從事科學開創了天地。懇求你父親和你的老師談一談,他會發?2283


women and children health care doctor - 婦幼保健醫師

health center for women and children - 婦幼保健站

women treated for postpartum mastitis - 治療婦女產後乳腺炎中輻射誘發的


n.哺哺期婦女 - breast feeding women

n.婦女病 - disease of women

n.婦女保健 - health care of women

n.婦幼保健站 - health center for women and children

n.婦女保健組織 - health orhanization of women

n.女科 - medical department for women

不學性好 - non-pregnant women

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