emirate[ə'miərət]n. 酋長國
emirate 酋長職位;酋長國;埃米爾的統治,酋長國;阿拉伯酋長(貴族、王公)之職位或階級, 酋長國;Caucasus Emirate 高加索酋長國;EMIRATE PALACE 宮酒店;Emirate Xaaron 撒隆大公;Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 阿富汗伊斯蘭大公國;
1.Dubai-owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world's tallest hotels to cater for growing numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate. 迪拜所有的阿聯酋航空公司表示,它將修建一座世界上最高的旅館,以容納海灣國家阿聯酋日益增長的觀光客。
2.A top finance official in Dubai says the emirate's government will not guarantee the debts of the heavily-indebted, state-owned conglomerate Dubai World. 一位高級金融官員在迪拜說,阿拉伯聯合酋長國政府不會為國有迪拜世界公司的嚴重債務提供擔保。
3."The Islamic emirate is keen to resolve this issue peacefully and this is extension is aimed at persuading the Korean government to put pressure on Kabul to accept our demands, " he said. 他說:「伊斯蘭的酋長們希望該事件能夠得到和平解決,這次延期的目的是希望韓國政府能夠向喀布爾施壓,接受我們的要求。」