n. capital of nepal ,katmandu
kathmandun. 加德滿都(尼泊爾的首都)
Kathmandu 加德滿都;加德謙皆;Kathmandu Valley 加德滿都谷地;KATHMANDU AIRPORT 加德滿都機場 尼泊爾 KAT;Kathmandu city 加德滿都;Kathmandu Post 加德滿都郵報;
1.For the past week they have endured torrential rain and outbreaks of diarrhoea to bring the capital, Kathmandu, and the rest of the country, to a halt. 在過去的一周,在首都加德滿都和該國其他地區持續一周的暴雨襲擊以及群體性腹瀉事件剛剛停止。
2.Itineraries lead you on secret trails and by-pass the trekkers trails whilst enter rarely visited pockets of Kathmandu Valley, Pokhara, Tibet and beyond. 路線引導你在幽靜的路徑和迂迴徒步路徑,同時進入人跡罕至的加德滿都谷地,博卡拉,西藏和超越。
3.On Monday, officials placed the capital, Kathmandu, under curfew for a fifth day. Security forces have orders to shoot anyone trying to enter the curfew zone. 政府官員星期一開始在首都加德滿都實施五天戒嚴.安全部隊接到命令,可以對任何進入戒嚴區的人開槍。