n. conceiver ,mastermind
originator[ə'ridʒəneitə, -nə-]n. 發起人;起源;起因
originator 發起人;源發站;始發站;起源;ultimate originator 最初發起人;Notification Originator 通知始發器;product originator 產品製造者;Originator Daoism 自即日起回歸正統道教;
1.Deloitte China in the global financial industry co-leading partner, said Liu Minghua, Bernanke is the quantitative easing monetary policy originator. 德勤中國全球金融行業聯席領導合夥人劉明華說,伯南克是定量寬鬆貨幣政策的鼻祖。
2.Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution. 每個貢獻者必須證明自己為貢獻的創始人,無論如何要以一種方式使後繼接受者能夠適度地辨識出貢獻的創始人。
3.The Modifier notifies the Originator and Verifier (if one was a ign ed) that the change has been made and makes all modified work products available to the people re o ible for verification. 修改人通知發起人和驗證人(如果已經有指定的驗證人)變更已經被實施,並且所有已修改的工件已經可以進行驗證。