childishlyadv. 天真地,幼小地;幼稚地
childishly 天真地;天真地, 幼小地;childishly fondly gaga like a lamb 天真地;
1.I have thought childishly that every in the society can do what the want to do, but the actual is we are 我曾經天真的認為,現在的社會已經是每個人都可以做自己想做的事情了,沒想到大家到處奔波為的還是一塊麵包。
2.Because Adolf Hitler childishly insisted that his performers were members of a " master race, " nationalistic feelings were at an all-time high. 由於阿道夫·希特勒幼稚地堅持他的選手是「優等民族」的成員,民族主義情緒空前高漲。
3.Its ingredients are bright color, gaiety, noise and a suspension of disbelief that justifies persons of all ages behaving childishly for three or four hours, which is just about long enough. 唯有絢麗的色彩、愉快的心情、喧鬧的氣氛和短暫的三四小時充當調料,但這就足夠了。禮讚十月!對於你,三月已是明日黃花,更何況二月!