cliffordn. 克利福德(男子名)
Clifford 克利福德;勇敢;柯利弗德, 英國, 臨近懸崖的道岔口,堡壘。;柯利弗德,英國,臨近懸崖的道岔口,堡壘。;James Clifford 克利福德;克裡福德;克裡弗德;克利福;Clifford Pier 紅燈碼頭;月停用的哥烈碼頭;克裡福碼頭;Clifford Cobb 克裡福德·科布;德·科布先生;Clifford Hewitt 赫維特;
1.The Irish under Col. Clifford took the sacrament to fight it out to the last man. 克利弗上校率領的愛爾蘭士兵莊嚴宣誓要戰鬥到最後一個人。
2.Finally the authors take CLIFFORD Connie left and follow MELLORS, with the symbolic nature, Criticism industrial civilization free planning. 最後作者借康妮離開CLIFFORD而跟隨MELLORS,象徵自然的隨性,批判工業文明自由的規劃。
3.And in her bitterness burned a cold indignation against Clifford, and his writings and his talk: against all the men of his sort who defrauded a woman even of her own body. 在她的苦痛裡,她對克利福,他的寫作,和他的談話,對所有欺騙婦人和欺騙她們的肉體的男子們,燃燒著一種冷酷的憤懣!