break break in break in on burst in cut in on cut into cut short interrupt 打斷;break break in break in on burst in cut in on cut into cut short interrupt 打斷;break break in break in on burst in cut in on cut into cut short interrupt 打斷;abridge abridgement abridgment cut cut down prune razee 刪節;abridge abridgement abridgment cut cut down prune razee 刪節;
1.The eight most popular Diamond cuts are emerald cut, heart cut, marquise cut, oval cut, round brilliant cut, pear cut, princess cut and radiant cut. 八種最流行的鑽石切割有:祖母綠型切割、桃心型切割、馬眼型切割、橢圓型切割、圓形明亮型切割、梨型切割、公主型切割和輻射型切割。
2.The eight most popular Diamond cuts are emerald cut, heart cut, marquise cut, oval cut, round brilliant cut, pear cut, princess cut and radiant cut. 八種最流行的鑽石切割有:祖母綠型切割、桃心型切割、馬眼型切割、橢圓型切割、圓形明亮型切割、梨型切割、公主型切割和輻射型切割。
3.There are several pruning methods for Hippophae rhamnoides L. forests, namely, heading-back cut, thinning-out cut, shortening cut, renewal cut, watershoot pruning, etc. 對於一般沙棘林,其修剪方法主要包括短截、疏剪、回縮、更新剪(留樁)、徒長枝的修剪等。
4.Chisel cutting operation of cut, cut cut, cut file, attack thread, the thread sets. 切削性操作 有鏨削、鋸削、銼削、攻螺紋、套螺紋。
5.However, the princess cut is not a modification of the step cut diamond, but of the brilliant cut . 儘管如此,公主方形切割並不是階梯形切割的改良,而是明亮式切割。
The gap is too wide to be filled. The largest cut we can offer is 5%. - 價格差距太大,我們最多降價5%。
Please don't cut it too short. - 不要剪得太短了。
But he wants to cut the school budget! - 但他想削減學校的預算!
She is cut out for that job. - 她很適合那份工作。
He is not cut out for teaching. - 他不是當教師的料。
Sally and Michael seem to be cut out for each other. - 莎莉和邁克看起來很相配。
I don't think he is cut out for the job. - 我認為他不適合做那份工作。
I don't want to cut class. - 我不想逃學。
That's just what you are cut out for. - 那正是你適合做的。
The cut healed slowly. - 傷口慢慢地痊癒了。
How would you like me to cut your hair? - 我給你理髮,好嗎?
Ouch! I fell down and cut my knee! - 好痛呦!我跌倒割傷了膝蓋!
I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short. - 我希望我能記得要求理髮師把我的頭髮理短點。
They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms. - 他們為了為農場增加空間不得不砍倒很多樹。
To conclude the business, you need to cut your price at least by 4%,I believe. - 我認為要做成這筆交易,您至少要降價4%。
He cut his finger because he was careless. - 他不小心割破了手指頭。
Did you cut yourself? - 你自己剪的?
You'll cut yourself, if you don't take care. - 你不專心的話,就會割到你自己。
Diamond cut diamond. - 強中更有強中手。
Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. - 不要忘恩負義。
Many words cut (or hurt) more than swords. - 惡語傷人勝刀見。
Measure thrice before you cut once. - 三思而後行。
Words cut (or hurt) more than swords. - 言語比刀劍傷人更厲害。
Jack is trying to cut down on smoking. - 竭克正竭力戒煙。
Is the cut still painful? - 傷口還在痛嗎?
I have my hair cut every month. - 我每個月都理髮。
The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. - 人們曾請求教區的牧師叫人把樹砍掉,但他直到現在也沒有同意。
They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, but fortunately this has not happened. - 他們曾擔心在把木乃伊切開後,它會散成碎片,但幸運得很,這種情況並未發生。
Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned. - 乾草已切好,牛棚也打掃乾淨了。
But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers. - 但是,那些不但與外國旅遊者隔絕,而且與本國同胞隔絕的人們有可能對遊客抱有敵意。
Alpine village tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains. - 阿爾卑斯山山區的小村幾乎全是高山環抱、與世隔絕的窮鄉僻壤。
She is cut out for that job. - 她很適合那個工作。
They cut big pieces of metal into small pieces. - 它們把大塊的金屬切成小塊。
The woodcutter replied: I'm going to cut this tree down. - 伐木工人回答說:「我要把這棵樹砍倒。」
According to the law, Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio's heart. - 根據法律,夏洛克可以得到一磅肉,由他從最靠近安東尼奧心臟的部位割下來。
You must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood must fall. - 你必須割下整一磅肉,不准多也不准少。而且不准流一滴血。
They killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies behind to rot. - 他們把野牛殺死剝皮,屍體就任其腐爛。
A long time ago, one of his ancestors who lived in Africa went into the forest to cut down a tree to make a drum. - 很久以前,他那生活在非洲的祖先中有一人走進森林去砍樹來做鼓。
The farmer cut off part of his foot to make sure he could not run away again. - 農場主把他的一隻腳砍掉了一塊,以確保他不能再逃跑。
One day a young man named Kunta Kinte went off into the forest to cut down a tree as he wanted to make a drum. - 有一天,一位叫孔塔·肯特的年輕人走進森林中去砍樹,因為他想做一個鼓。
The lines of the animal had in fact been cut into the rock. - 事實上,動物的線條被刻進岩石裡。
n. down up cut shear - 上下剪切剪床
n. stagger cut press - 交錯切割壓機
n. cut and fill - 沖刷及於積
n. cut and fill method - 分層填充法
cut wound - 切傷
n. cut edge - 切割邊
cut grafting - 切接
cut to pieces - 切段
n. surface of cut end - 切端表
cut and patch repair - 切補修復
n. cut end surface - 割斷端面
n. down up cut shear - 雙動剪床
n. stagger cut press - 對板料作曲折送進以連續落料沖孔的壓力機
n. down up cut shear - 往複式剪床
n. cut off - 截流
background cut off - 扣除本底
n. cut depth - 挖土深度
n. cut and fill - 挖填方
n. cut off - 斷流
cut offwavelength; cut-off wave length; cut-off wavelength; cutoffwavelength - 極限波長
n. cross cut adhesion test - 橫切粘附試驗
n. cross cut adhesion test - 油漆粘著強度試驗
cut offwavelength; cut-off wave length; cutoffwavelength - 波長極限
nerve cut knife - 神經斷端切除刀
n. cut and fill - 移挖作用
drugs are cut into slices - 藥物切成片
taper cut suture needle - 錐形割口縫合針
n.扣除本底 - background cut off
n.破繭 - cocoon cut
n.餾份 - distillation cut
n.藥物切成片 - drugs are cut into slices
n.手劃破而陣陣抽搐 - dthe finger throbbed from the cut
n.中心餾份,中心切割 - geart cut
n.理發 - get one's hair cut
n.神經斷端切除刀 - nerve cut knife
創傷 - sword cut
n.錐形割口縫合針 - taper cut suture needle