Dahlak Archipelago 達拉克群島;
1.At the entrance to the inland sea of Dahlak Kebir, old rocket launchers litter the sharp, volcanic rock and Soviet-made tanks are rumoured to lie on the seabed. 在進入達拉凱比內海的入口,破舊的火箭彈發射器在尖銳的火山岩上堆得亂七八糟,甚至有謠傳說海床上還躺著前蘇聯的坦克。
2.There are a few dive shops in Massawa with rentable gear and boats to take you to the Dahlak Archipelago, which includes more than 200 islands and dozens of wrecks. 在馬薩瓦有幾家經營潛水的商店,有全套潛水裝備出租,還有船隻可載你前往達拉克群島,周圍有200多個島嶼和十幾個沉船遺址。