IDBabbr. 工業開發委員會(Industrial Development Board);智能數據庫(intelligent database);工業發展公債(industrial development bond);美洲開發銀行(Inter-American Development Bank)
IDB Interactive Digital Board;Interactive Digital Business;International Diploma in Business;ITS Data Bus;IDB IndirectDataAddressWord 間接數據地址字;IDB IntelligentDataBase 智能數據庫;IDB IntentionalDataBase 內涵數據庫,專一數據庫;IDB InterruptDispatchBlock 中斷調度塊;
1.The customer noticed that during IDB backup, the RDS process uses a high percentage of CPU. 客戶注意到,在 IDB 備份過程中,RDS 進程使用的 CPU 比例特別高。
2.Inter-American Development Bank, 1996, Economic and Social Progress Report: Making Social Services Work, IDB: Washington, DC. 泛美洲發展銀行,1996,經濟及社會進步報告:做出社會服務(華盛頓市)
3.Using IDB, the patterns of information acquisition and some influence factors were studied in consumer decision-making studies. 應用不同的IDB實驗設置,研究者探索了消費決策中消費者信息獲得的模式和影響因素…