Pakistan Arrests Suspected Mastermind of Mumbai Attacks 巴基斯坦拘捕孟買恐怖襲擊案首要策劃者嫌疑人;Israel buries victims of Mumbai terror attacks 以色列人為孟買恐怖襲擊中的遇難同胞舉行葬禮;IMC Mumbai 印度 油庫;CTTL Chemical Terminal Trombay Mumbai 印度 油庫;
1.Reporter: As far as I know, World Trade Center Mumbai and WTCA were set up in the same year, so without any doubt, WTC Mumbai is the doyen of WTCs. 記者:據我所知孟買世貿中心和世界貿易中心協會是同一年成立的,在世貿中心裡面算是元老級的「人物」啦!
2.MUMBAI, India — On any ordinary day, Vishnu Datta Ram Zende used the public-address system at Mumbai's largest railway station to direct busy hordes of travelers to their trains. 印度孟買–在平時,在孟買最大的鐵路站,VishnuDattaRamZende都會通過公共廣播系統指揮成群的乘客們出入站台。
3.Reporter: As far as I know, World Trade Center Mumbai and WTCA were set up in the same year, so without any doubt, WTC Mumbai is the doyen of WTCs. 記:據我所知孟買世貿中心和世界貿易中心協會是同一年成立的,在世貿中心裡面算是元老級的「人物」啦!
4.Reporter: As far as I know, World Trade Center Mumbai and WTCA were set up in the same year, so without any doubt, WTC Mumbai is the doyen of WTCs. 記者:據我所知孟買世貿中心和世界貿易中心協會是同一年成立的,在世貿中心裡面算是元老級的「人物」啦!
5.Despite the tyranny of Japan's shrinking demographics, it will be decades, if ever, before Mumbai or Mexico City dislodges Tokyo's crown. 儘管日本的人口統計殘酷地表明其規模正在縮小,但它在未來的幾十年間,甚至更久,未被孟買和墨西哥城驅逐出王位,仍將是世界上最大的城市。