





OSabbr. 操作系統(Operating System);西洋舊歷(Old Style)


OS 操作系統;Operating System;作業系統;operating system;Mac OS 蘋果公司開發的操作系統;蘋果系統;蘋果操作系統;操作系統;Cloud OS 雲操作系統;雲端作業系統;OS Loader 加載程序;程序載入器;加載器;多重操作系統引導程序;Workplace OS 工作站操作系統;


1.Snow Leopard is Apple's biggest operating system update since the firm moved from the"Classic"OS in 2001. 雪豹是蘋果公司自2001年從』經典』操作系統轉出之後最大的一次操作系統升級。

2.Get the source code for almost anything, including the OS kernel and most of my applications I could go on, but that's long enough. 得到包括系統內核在內的幾乎所有的源代碼,而且我們的應用程序都可以繼續往前發展,但要走的路還很長。

3.The embedded OS in a thin client is stored in a "flash drive", in a Disk on Module (DOM), or is downloaded over the network at boot-up. 嵌入式操作系統的瘦客戶機是儲存在一個「閃存驅動器」,在一個磁盤上模塊(的DOM),或者是下載的網絡啟動。


os tiquetrum triangular bone; os trigonum - 三角骨

irreguar bone; os irregulare - 不規則骨

central bone; os centrale - 中央骨

intermediate cuneiform bone; os cuneiform - 中間楔骨

medial cuneiform bone; os cuneiforme mediale - 內側楔骨

os purum - 淨骨

incisive bone; os incisivum - 切牙骨

os pneumaticum; pneumatic bone - 含氣骨

os ishium - 坐板骨

basilar bone; basioccipital bone; os basilare - 基枕骨

lateral cuneiform bone; os cuneiforme laterale - 外側楔骨

os multangulum majus; os trapezium; trapezium bone - 大多角骨

capitate; capitate bone; os capitatum - 頭狀骨

lesser trapezium bone; os trapezoideum - 小多角骨

coccyx; os coccygis - 尾骨

blade; flat bone; os planum; tabular bone - 扁骨

lunate; lunate bone; os lunatum - 月骨

occipital bone; os occipitales - 枕骨

intercuneiform bone; os intercuneiforme - 楔間骨

cuneiform; cuneiform bone; os cuneiforme - 楔骨

alveolar bone; os alveolare - 槽骨

cuttle bone; cuttlebone; os sepiellae seu sepiae; sepium - 海螵蛸

os breve; short bone - 短骨

os cuneiforme tertium; third cuneiform bone - 第三楔骨

ethmoid; ethmoid bone; os ethmoidale; sieve bone - 篩骨

lower end of os fibula - 絕骨

os costale; rib - 肋骨

hyoid; hyoid bone; os hyoideum - 舌骨

navicular bone; os naviculars; scaphoid bone - 舟骨

os sphenoidale; sphenoid bone - 蝶骨

lentiform bone; os pisiforme; pieiform bone; pisiform - 豌豆骨

long bone; os longum - 長管骨

long bone; os longum - 長骨

incisive bone; os incisivum - 門齒骨

os parietale; parietal; parietal bone - 頂骨

orificium externum uteri; os of uterus; ostium uteri - 頸管外口

cheek bone; cheekbone; malar; os zygomaticum; zygoma; zygomatic; zygomatic bone - 顴骨

nasal bone; os nasale - 鼻骨


子宮外口 - external os

n.內口 - internal os

n.絕骨 - lower end of os fibula

禁食,絕食 - nothing per os

n.經口,口服 - per os

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