adipose['ædipəus]adj. 脂肪的;肥胖的n. 動物脂肪
adipose 脂肪的;脂肪;似脂肪的;多脂肪的;adipose tissue 脂肪組織;脂肪組織;(脂肪組織):脂肪組織.;(脂肪組織):脂肪組織。;adipose fin 脂鰭;有小尾巴;鑴adipose body 脂肪體;adipose membrane 釋義:脂膜;
1.By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat. 正好相反,棕色脂肪組織通過消耗能量而產生體熱。
2.Achieve namely the biggest 60% what exercise intensity, can use up more adipose. 即達到最大鍛煉強度的60%,可以消耗更多的脂肪。
3.Adipose to preventing abdomen and femoral accumulation, and the prolapse that prevents hip has the effect very much. 對於防止腹部與大腿的脂肪堆積,以及預防臀部的下垂都很有效果。
multivesicular adipose cell; multivesicular fat cell - 多泡性脂細胞
adipose body of orbit; corpus adiposum orbitae - 眶脂體
pararenal adipose body - 腎旁脂體
adipose calpsule of kidney - 腎脂肪囊
adipose capsule; capsula adiposa - 脂肪囊
adipose infiltration; fatty infiltration - 脂肪浸潤
adipose tissue - 脂肪組織
adipose tissue hyperplasia - 脂肪組織增生
adipocyte; adipose cell; fat cell; lipocyte - 脂肪細胞
adipose glands - 脂腺
adipose body of cheek; corpus adiposum buccae - 頰脂體
褐色脂肪組織 - brown adipose tissue
n.顆粒狀脂變的 - granulo adipose
n.多泡性脂細胞 - multivesicular adipose cell
n.腎旁脂體 - pararenal adipose body
白色脂肪組織 - white adipose tissue