STSabbr. 艦對岸(ship to shore);特殊處理鋼(Special Treatment Steel)
STS 科學、技術、社會;科技與社會;科學、技術與社會;科學技術與社會;Cadillac STS 凱迪拉克STS;Ansaldo STS 安薩爾多;Rplant sts 重置成本;STS - 免檢;空間運輸系統;序列標記位點;道至道時間;
1.Assist related department to do product quality analyse and technical support for CCC approval and STS product quality. 協助相關部分對產品進行質量分析,並對CCC認證和STS的產品提供技術支持。
2.Multidisciplinary, STS is a comprehensive new-born subject probing into the regularity and application of the inner relations among science, technology and society. STS是一門研究科學、技術與社會相互關係的規律及其應用,並涉及多學科、多領域的綜合性新興學科。
3.The STS perspective has become of critical importance in understanding a host of public issues such as privacy, democracy, environment, medicine, education, and national and global security. STS的觀點在針對諸如政策,民主,環境研究,醫療,教育,和國家與全球的安全等等議題的瞭解過程中變得極為重要。