unmemorableadj. 不容易記住的;不值得紀念的;不值得注意的
unmemorable 不容易記住;
1.Other unmemorable early credits include Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987) Action Jackson (1988) and the umpteenth remake of Blood and Sand (1989). 其他類似的影片還包括《金牌警校軍4》(1987),《魔鬼暴警》(1988)和曾被反覆重拍攝的《致命美人心》(1989)。
2.The most trifling of essayists and most unmemorable of poetasters are seized upon to serve as subjects for doctoral dissertations, and be published subsequently. 最不足取的散文作家,最無出息的劣等詩人,都被搶去作為博士論文的題目,後來還要出版。
3.Hiskeynotes are not terrible, they are just very average and unremarkable. His style is "normal" and "typical" and his presentations are largely unmemorable as a result. 他的風格並不十分糟糕,但如果要我用兩個詞來形容的話,那麼就只能是「平庸」與「傳統」,他的講演難以給你留下深刻印象。